The US hasn’t run out of runway for Middle East de-escalation

Joe Biden has shown restraint in his Middle Eastern policy
Joe Biden has shown restraint in his Middle Eastern policy - Hannah Beier /Bloomberg

From the moment Hamas launched the October 7 terrorist attack in Israel, the Biden administration has exhibited considerable diplomatic effort in ensuring the war in Gaza doesn’t bleed into other areas of the Middle East. The results have been sub-par.

On October 14, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the deployment of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to the Eastern Mediterranean “to deter hostile actions against Israel or any efforts toward widening the war” in the region. US officials have used intermediaries to warn Iran and its proxy militia, Hezbollah, to back off. The White House has even sought to restrain Israel at times, successfully dissuading Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from conducting major preemptive strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Thus far, the administration has been lucky enough to avoid a multi-front war. But the job is getting more complicated as the days go by. State and non-state actors are pulling the Middle East into the very situation the US has sought to avoid. Fortunately, the US isn’t out of runway and can still duck a full-blown confrontation.

It may sound strange and a bit out-of-touch to make this observation when the region right now is in such a precarious state. Iran’s regional proxies are already involved in the Israel-Hamas war to one degree or another. Hezbollah has been attacking Israeli military positions near the Israel-Lebanon border since October 8, and those attacks show no signs of stopping anytime soon despite US mediation.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who in August suggested that Israeli assassinations against Palestinian militants in Lebanon would change his calculus, is even more ornery after Israel stepped right over the line and assassinated deputy Hamas political chief Saleh al-Arouri last week on Hezbollah’s turf.

More than 1,600 miles south, the Iran-backed Houthi movement has treated the Red Sea as its own personal firing range, harassing civilian vessels with drones and anti-ship missiles. According to the Pentagon, the Houthis have conducted 27 such attacks since November 19, prompting big shipping conglomerates to ditch those waters entirely.

The United States, irritated at the antics, sank three small Houthi boats in late December and assembled a multilateral naval coalition to defend freedom of navigation. On January 11, President Biden got fed up and ordered airstrikes against at least a dozen Houthi targets in several Yemeni cities. None of this even begins to mention the more than 120 drone and rocket attacks Iranian-backed militias in Iraq and Syria have lobbed down US bases in both countries since mid-October.

Some analysts and former US national security officials see the emergence of a regional conflict as likely, if not inevitable. Others urge the Biden administration to get out in front of it, going so far as to recommend strikes inside Iran. But that policy is about as smart as trying to put out a fire with lighter fluid and only make sense if a wider war served US interests. It most certainly wouldn’t.

Yes, the situation feels like it could explode at any moment. But we haven’t fallen off the edge of the proverbial cliff yet. To presume otherwise is to mindlessly throw our hands up at the sky and surrender to a false sense of complacency.

For one thing, while Iran and Hezbollah talk a big game, there is good reason to believe the two don’t want a larger-scale war to take place, aren’t keen on fighting Israel directly and hope to avoid a situation whereby military engagement with a superior US military is likely. Despite Nasrallah’s bombastic, cringe-worthy speeches about leveling Israel into the ground and destroying the Jewish state, Hezbollah’s actions over the last three months don’t resemble those of a suicidal death cult incapable of weighing the costs and benefits of its decisions.

Right now, Hezbollah has chosen the middle-ground: conduct limited firefights with Israel to prove to its patrons in Tehran that it’s doing something on behalf of Hamas, but keeping them localised to ensure they don’t cross an Israeli red-line it can’t easily define. As long as Israel restrains itself and refrains from targeting Hezbollah leadership, Nasrallah may be content with remaining a bit player in this entire saga.

Iran, too, doesn’t seem to want to step into this mess directly. If you doubt this, just ask Hamas, which is distressed by the lack of Iranian support despite being under merciless Israeli military pressure. It’s easy to see why Iran would want to stay on the outside looking in; the Islamic Republic cares about regime survival above all else, and any decision that could jeopardise this top priority will be viewed warily by the ayatollahs and IRGC officers running the system.

US leaders, therefore, need to keep a cool head. Part of this involves preparing for the worst and having an accurate understanding of the various dynamics at play. But a big part of the equation must also include having a frank conversation with our friends in Israel that, while Washington supports its right to self-defense against terrorism wherever it occurs, it doesn’t support Israel broadening the war to Lebanon, Iran, or anywhere else.

More to the point, the Biden administration should tell Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in no uncertain terms that he would be making a foolish mistake if he believed Washington would enter a shooting war on his behalf. Israel may be a valued partner, but even valued partnerships have limits.

This recommendation will rub a lot of people the wrong way. But it shouldn’t. If the US genuinely seeks to keep itself out of yet another war in the Middle East, it needs to start being smart and thinking about itself.

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