US to send more food aid to Sudan, warning of a risk of historic famine

The United States on Friday announced another $315 million for hungry Sudanese as it pressed the warring sides to end obstruction of aid, warning that a famine of historic proportions could unfold without urgent action.

The assistance will include food and drinking water, as well as malnutrition emergency screening and treatment for children.

It comes as estimates say that five million people inside Sudan suffer extreme hunger, with food lacking also in neighboring countries where two million Sudanese have fled.

“We need the world to wake up to the catastrophe happening before our very eyes,” Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ambassador to the United Nations, told reporters.

“We’ve seen mortality projections estimating that in excess of 2.5 million people – about 15 percent of the population – in Darfur and Kordofan, the hardest-hit regions, could die by the end of September,” she said.

“This is the largest humanitarian crisis on the face of the planet, and yet somehow it threatens to get worse,” she said, pointing to expectations that the key border crossing will become unpassable with the rainy season.

“That has to change immediately.”

Diplomacy struggles

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