US submarine that sank the most Japanese warships in WW2 found off Philippines

A graphic of a submarine lost under sea for 80 years
The resting place of the submarine is being treated as a war grave - Lost 52 Project/Us Navy

A US Navy submarine that sank more Japanese warships during the Second World War than any other has been found at the bottom of the South China Sea.

The USS Harder went down with its 79 US sailors in 1944 off the coast of the Philippine island of Luzon.

The US Navy’s History and Heritage Command (NHHC) said it had been discovered 3,000ft under the sea, and should be treated as a war grave.

The submarine is one of the most famous in US history, having sunk more Japanese battleships than any other during the war.

US submarine in the sea
The submarine is one of the most famous in US history

In the final weeks of its patrols, it sank three Japanese destroyers and damaged two more over four days, significantly contributing to the country’s defeat at sea, the NHHC said.

It was finally sunk on August 29 1944 by a Japanese depth charge while assisting the US Navy with an attempt to take the Philippines from the Japanese Imperial Navy.

Samuel J. Cox, the retired US Navy admiral who runs the NHHC, said: “Harder was lost in the course of victory. We must not forget that victory has a price, as does freedom.”

The USS Harder was found 3,000ft under the sea
The USS Harder was found 3,000ft under the sea
US soldiers line up for a photograph on a submarine
Some officers on the submarine have been awarded the Medal of Honour

Commander Sam Dealey, the most senior officer on the submarine, was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honour, the US’s highest military accolade, after it sank.

The submarine’s resting place was confirmed by data from the Lost 52 Project – an effort to find the wreckages of 52 US submarines that were destroyed during the war.

Mr Cox said: “We are grateful that Lost 52 has given us the opportunity to once again honour the valour of the crew of the ‘Hit ‘em Harder’ submarine.”

The NHHC said the site was “the final resting place of sailors that gave their life in defence of the nation” and should now be treated as a war grave.