User Anger At Facebook's Timeline Compulsion

User Anger At Facebook's Timeline Compulsion

Facebook has been criticised by some users over its decision to have the controversial Timeline on all profiles.

Timeline was launched worldwide last September and is designed to be an online scrapbook that shows "important life events" throughout users' lives, in each year.

Until now, the change to Timeline had been voluntary but "over the next few weeks" all 800 million users on the social networking website will have it.

The feature gives others easier access to view people's photos and posts made over the years that were previously well-hidden.

And Facebook says users will have seven days to edit their time by choosing the pictures, posts and life events they want to make public on their homepage.

The decision has angered some who have set up a Facebook page called Timeline Sucks to air their grievances.

It said: "Timeline is unacceptable. We users don't find it cool. Listen to us".

One user, John Mammitzsch, said: "I don't want to be forced into something I haven't bargained for....You will regret this."

Another, Juan Gabriel Felix, said: "I was really avoiding the timeline after my friends said how bad it was, why the hell are they forcing me!?"

An official Facebook blog post by engineer Paul McDonald declared: "Last year we introduced timeline, a new kind of profile that lets you highlight the photos, posts and life events that help you tell your story.

"Over the next few weeks, everyone will get timeline. When you get timeline, you'll have 7 days to preview what's there now. This gives you a chance to add or hide whatever you want before anyone else sees it."

He added: "You can learn more about these new features by taking the quick tour available at the top of your timeline.

"If you want to get timeline now, go to the Introducing Timeline page and click Get Timeline. Or you can wait until you see an announcement at the top of your home page."

Giving advice to users, Facebook also said: "As you explore your timeline, you may see stories that you want to feature, like your graduation or the day you bought your first car.

"There might also be stuff that you want to remove or hide from your timeline."