Vast flocks of female chaffinches are gone

<span>Photograph: Ivor Toms/Alamy</span>
Photograph: Ivor Toms/Alamy

In The Natural History of Selborne (1789), Gilbert White refers to flocks of almost entirely female chaffinches (Country diary, 23 January) appearing near the village around Christmas and is sufficiently intrigued to get friends and neighbours to confirm this. He seems to find the fact that these flocks are vast unremarkable. The biggest flock of chaffinches I think I’ve ever seen consisted of at most 20 birds. How depressing is that?
Rob Clack
Royston, Hertfordshire

• After Theresa May’s resignation, I attended a lecture given by Julia Gillard, the former Australian PM, and asked if she’d consider filling the vacancy. She replied with a very firm “no, thank you”. I imagine Jacinda Ardern would give the same answer (Letters, 24 January).
Anne Nelson

• Even if Nadhim Zahawi is no longer costing the taxpayer in lost revenue (Report, 27 January), he is costing me personally. I have a 50p bet with my husband that he will resign by the end of the week. I felt sure I was on to a winner, but it now looks as if I might lose.
Maggie Lyons

• Newcastle upon Tyne magistrates court must be a lot bigger than I imagined it be if, as you report (26 January), the Newcastle United footballer Joelinton “pleaded guilty to drink-driving during a court appearance”.
Adrian Brodkin

• I’m not entirely sure I want to live for another 2m years (Net zero by 2050 in England and Wales equals ‘extra 2m years of life’, 24 January).
John Banks
Ledbury, Herefordshire