Vera confirms return of iconic character after fears actress had quit

Vera will be back early next year
-Credit: (Image: (Image: ITV))

ITV has excitedly revealed that Rhiannon Clements' character, Steph Duncan, will be returning for the final series of Vera, despite fans' worries over her potential absence due to other commitments.

Rhiannon is known for keeping her fans updated with her daily goings-on, and most recently, has been noted appearing in a stage production called 'Underdog: The Other Other Bronte'.

Despite the production overlapping with Vera's filming schedule, ITV reassured Rhiannon will return as DC Steph Duncan.

While details surrounding the concluding series are closely guarded secrets, a keen fan posted some interesting findings on a Vera Facebook group. During a chat, the question was posed: "Are they still filming?" with another group member responding with an assured "Yes."

Further chats among the fan group saw hopes aired for the reappearance of another beloved character - Jac Williams.

One fan shared: "Jac, I would have loved to have seen more of her, I wish she would come back."

Another echoed this sentiment, admitting to their disappointment over her departure: "Yes, I was gutted when she left."

DS Jacqueline 'Jac' Williams, portrayed by Ibinabo Jack, was a familiar face on the show for five years before her exit due to "theatre commitments".

As 2022 concluded, viewers were left teary-eyed by Kenny Doughty's heartfelt final scenes as Aiden Healy.

Despite finding it difficult to leave the drama, the actor admitted it felt like the proper time to exit.

With mixed reactions coming from fans as Kenny bid goodbye, they found positivity in the return of another fan favourite.

Earlier this year, David Leon reprised his role as Vera's first partner, Joe Ashworth.

Anticipation is high for the final series of Vera, which will see Brenda play out her final scenes as DCI Stanhope. Expressing her thoughts on leaving the series, Brenda said: "Working on Vera has been a joy from beginning to end and I'm sad to be saying Cheerio. But I am so proud of our achievements over the last fourteen years."

She extended her profound gratitude by saying: "I'll be forever grateful to the wonderful Ann Cleeves who created Vera, and to Elaine Collins who saw fit to cast me in the role."

The acclaimed actress shared praises for her team: "The Producers, dream cast, and crew have been fabulous and I'm going to miss them, but I won't forget their huge talent, the camaraderie, laughter or kindness we shared nor the friendship of the people of the northeast and our fans worldwide."

In her goodbye note, Brenda relayed heartfelt thanks: "Thank you from the bottom of my heart," she wrapped up.

Vera will return to ITV next year.