The 'very effective' natural mosquito repellents pests 'cannot stand to smell'

close up of a red mosquito bite on a person's arm, rubbing and scratching it outdoor in the park.
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Summer is nearly here as are mosquitoes' unpleasant itchy bites that are well worth avoiding.

There are over 30 species of mosquitoes native to the UK, some of which bite and others that are simply a nuisance without carrying disease. The pests are typically active for six to seven months each year.

These pests often begin breeding in April if conditions are sufficiently warm and wet, potentially continuing until late September. So, how can one permanently eliminate mosquitoes from homes and gardens?

If the infestation is minor, natural methods are the first line of defence, but if the situation worsens or persists, it's time to call in the professionals, reports the Express. It's worth noting that only female mosquitoes bite, while their male counterparts prefer to feed on nectar and other sweet substances.

To naturally combat these pests, Jordan Foster of Fantastic Pest Control has shared his top tips. He stated: "Watching the sunset from your porch or taking a stroll around the yard at night may become an unpleasant experience due to pesky mosquitoes flying about."

Citronella Candles
Citronella and lavender candles are "very effective" mosquito repellents -Credit:Getty

"That being said, it's our responsibility to manage the blood-sucking pests around our properties and safeguard our homes against them. The good news is that you can protect yourself without resorting to chemical repellents."

The expert revealed that the "best way to get rid of mosquitoes in your house" is to address and repair any gaps in screens and doors, advising: "Although it might sound a bit old-school, it makes perfect sense. If you don't want mosquitoes inside your house, just don't let them in."

Mosquitos and other bugs can be deterred by sealing visible gaps in window screens and doors, as small tears can allow access for these creatures. The recommendation for those without window screens is to install them.

Another natural method offered for insect repulsion involves the use of specific scented candles throughout the home. Jordan stated: "Citronella candles and lavender candles are very effective at repelling mosquitoes - the insects cannot stand the aroma."

He did point out the limitation being that this method only impacts mosquitoes within a close vicinity to the candle.

Using certain essential oils is another tactic recommended, the expert informed: "The best option for you is to use essential oils that are made from lavender, lemon, or eucalyptus. Lemongrass, peppermint, clove, and tea tree oil are options, as well."

This process requires minimal preparation, beginning with adding a few drops of the chosen essential oil into a water-filled spray bottle, giving it a shake, and voila - "you have an anti-mosquito spray" is ready.

The claim made by Jordan was that it could be applied straight onto skin and around the household, though caution is advised when spraying on fabrics as they could become stained.

Households should also consider investing in mosquito nets to obtain a sound sleep. The mesh must be evenly distributed around the bed and touch the floor all around.

The pest control expert advised: "Only this measure alone can effectively prevent the flying insects from biting you in your sleep, especially if there are open windows and doors nearby."

For those wanting to make their gardens less attractive to mosquitoes, Jordan suggests removing standing water. He enlightened, "The best method to decrease their population is to find and eliminate their breeding grounds. For this reason, you should remove any standing water."

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