Vet says there's one sign to tell if your dog loves you more than anyone else

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When your dog has more than one owner, many people start to ponder whether they're the favourite - or how they can win over their pet.

It is widely believed that dogs 'favour' the owner who walks them, plays with them, and feeds them. However, experts at Rover believe a dog's favourite person is more often the one "who matches their own energy level and personality."

Dr James Greenwood, resident vet on ITV's The Pet Show, has shared the tell-tale signs that you're the 'favourite' - and the best ways to solidify this bond. According to Dr Greenwood, you only need to observe your dog's tail to know whether you're its 'favourite human'.

He said: "It's all about the tail with dogs! They can express a whole range of emotions through their tail wag. Whilst it's important to note not all tail wagging is a sign of happiness, there are two types that signal pure joy in our dogs."

To try this out, watch your dog's reaction when you return home from work or a trip to the shops to see who they approach first and how their tail is wagging, he added: "Firstly, the whole-body wag that starts at the shoulders and wiggles all the way down to the tip of the tail is quite literally their happy dance.

"Secondly, the helicopter tail wag is usually reserved for those who are viewed as especially important. Finally, that super excited greeting when you get back from leaving the house the jumping and licking, sometimes they may bark or bring you a toy is a genuine signal that they are pleased to see you."

But these actions aren't the only indications of your pooch picking a 'favourite' human. Dr Greenwood explains that if your furry friend snuggles up with you on the couch in the evenings, it's their way of showing they feel safe and loved in your presence.

Dr Greenwood also emphasises that quality time is key in strengthening your bond with your dog. He states: "A daily walk is essential; dogs love using their senses to smell and explore and need to burn off calories exercising. I would also suggest setting up an obstacle course or using puzzle feeders to get them thinking and problem-solving.

"Food is also a big motivator for dogs and you can use this to your advantage when training by using treats as a reward for good behaviour."

Social media users have been sharing their experiences about how they know their dog has chosen its special someone. A Reddit user shared: "My oldest dog was actually adopted for my son, but she has definitely chosen me as her person. She comes to me for comfort when she's scared, she sleeps in my bed, and gets extremely jealous when our cats and younger pup try to be near me."

One pet owner gushed about their dog's adorable reaction to family visits: "Our younger dog sings the craziest song whenever she sees my daughter's cat pull into our driveway. She acts like my daughter has been gone for a year, and rears up on her little hind legs, puts her paws together, and prances when she sees her come in the door. It's heartwarming."

In response, another user shared their own experience of canine favouritism: "Mine definitely has a favourite. I feed, walk, and spend most of the time with our boy but if I come home with my wife, no matter how far behind she is when I open the door, he'll beeline for her without ever recognising I exist for a couple of minutes."