Victory for neighbours as Russell Brand drops controversial pub plan

The Crown in Pishill, left, and Russell Brand <i>(Image: SWNS)</i>
The Crown in Pishill, left, and Russell Brand (Image: SWNS)

Russell Brand has withdrawn his planning application to create offices at his 800-year-old pub.

Mr Brand initially submitted an application to convert The Crown in Pishill, which he bought in 2020, into a recording studio for his videos and podcasts.

These plans were rejected by South Oxfordshire District Council in February after 53 people opposed them saying they feared losing their “popular watering hole” .

Russell Brand bought The Crown in Pishill in 2020 (Image: SWNS)

Pishill with Stonor Parish Council pointed out“It has previously been a thriving public house and restaurant, with the barn being used as a successful wedding and party venue.

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“We fail to see why this cannot be achieved again with the correct dedication and commitment.”

David Cooper from the South Oxfordshire branch of the Campaign for Real Ale claimed the village would lose an “essential community facility”.

Mr Brand has largely disappeared from the media mainstream (Image: SWNS)

But just two weeks after the first application was refused, Pablo Diablo's Legitimate Business Firm Ltd, Mr Brand's production company, submitted another application.

This was to convert the first floor of the 17th century building into offices to be "utilised in connection with an established digital media production enterprise that provides a range of job opportunities".

The plans were also for a barn to  be used for 'community-based purposes' and stables would become 'a food and drink outlet' according to planning documents.

Pishill with Stonor Parish Council again objected.

Council clerk Pat Pearce said: "'It is the parish council's view that the application is very similar to the previous application and our comments on that remain valid for this application.

"The applicant has never opened the premises, so they cannot prove that it is not viable."

She repeated that it was formerly a successful wedding and party venue and could be again.

Dr Noel and Barbara Snell said: "We were delighted when the current owners purchased this property, not least as this kept it from falling into the hands of developers.

The latest planning application was for offices (Image: SWNS)

"Sadly we have become disillusioned as we have seen the buildings used for non-permitted purposes, and there seems currently little prospect of the Crown resuming its function as our major community meeting place and pub."

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Marnie Watson said: "The Crown Inn is a unique part of Pishill's heritage and a vital community asset.

"Too many local pubs have already been lost locally to alternative use when they have a viable future as a pub, often because the value of the pub site for development is greater than its value simply as a pub."

Mr Brand's team withdrew the plans on June 19.

Since purchasing The Crown, Mr Brand, who promotes 'revolutionary politics' and 'awakening wonders' on various video platforms, has been publicly accused by five women of rape and sexual assault between 2006 and 2013 which he strongly denies.

In May it was revealed that adventurer Bear Grylls stood by him as he was baptised in the River Thames at Henley.