Video showing Tory staff at Christmas party during lockdown is 'terrible', Michael Gove admits

A video showing Conservative Party workers at a Christmas party during lockdown in 2020 is "terrible" and "completely out of order", Michael Gove has said.

The Levelling Up Secretary was reacting to the video, obtained by the Mirror, which showed people dancing and drinking at a gathering - ignoring strict social distancing rules imposed by the government at the height of the pandemic.

"The fact this party went ahead is indefensible," Mr Gove told Sophy Ridge on Sunday.

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Gove reacts to Christmas party footage

At least 24 people were reportedly at the event, which took place at Conservative Party headquarters on 14 December 2020.

Mr Gove told Sky News: "I just want to apologise to everyone really who, looking at that image, will think well these are people who are flouting the rules that were put in place to protect us all."

He added that he is "sure the people there feel contrite - or I hope they do".

The gathering included Shaun Bailey - who was running a campaign to be the mayor of London at the time - and Ben Mallet, the director for his 2021 campaign in the capital.

Mr Bailey is understood to have left before the video was taken.

He has recently been given a peerage, adding to him to the House of Lords, in Boris Johnson's resignation honours - approved by Downing Street.

Mr Mallet was given an OBE in the same honours list.

The Mirror previously released a photo from the party, which was subsequently investigated by police. No further action was taken at the time due to lack of evidence.

The police have said they are "considering" the newly revealed video.

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Mr Gove was confronted with the account of one member of the public, who could not be with a family member having surgery on the same day as the video was taken.

The minister said he was "very, very sorry" for what happened.

Sophy Ridge repeatedly pushed Mr Gove on whether it was appropriate for Mr Bailey and Mr Mallet to have been given honours.

The cabinet minister said the current rules - that a resigning prime ministers can honour who they want - should not be interfered with.

He added that a debate on changing the rules was "well worth having", but that "procedure" should be followed for the moment and those who broke restrictions should still be given gongs.

Mr Gove did say it was for Mr Johnson to defend his choice of people who were honoured.

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Following the interview with Sophy Ridge, Liberal Democrat chief whip Wendy Chamberlain said: "Gove's apology is too little too late, it will bring cold comfort to the millions of people who stuck by the rules in the darkest days of the pandemic."

Responding to the video, a Conservative Party spokesperson said: "Senior CCHQ staff became aware of an unauthorised social gathering in the basement of Matthew Parker Street organised by the Bailey campaign on the evening of 14 December 2020.

"Formal disciplinary action was taken against the four CCHQ staff who were seconded to the Bailey campaign."