Jailed Spanish puppeteers freed after “glorifying terrorism”

Two puppeteers jailed for glorifying terrorism in Spain have been released Their detention on Saturday caused a public storm of words over speech freedom in a democracy. Concerns over artistic freedom have been raised over the jailing of Spanish puppeteers https://t.co/0B2MpP1zbZ pic.twitter.com/G1F7qgZKQT— Financial Times (@FT) February 9, 2016 The pair had staged a show called “The Witch and Don Cristobal” as part of Madrid’s carnival celebrations. Children and adults were shown scenes depicting the hanging of a judge and the rape of a nun who was later stabbed to death with a crucifix. The judge said the arrests were due to one puppet holding up a sign referring to the armed Basque separatist group ETA. It was decided that the men did not pose a flight risk but will still have to appear before the court at a later date.