Viewers say it is ‘wonderful watching’ as Emily Maitlis brutally cuts off Nadine Dorries with one word on Channel 4

Man and a woman
-Credit: (Image: Channel 4)

Headed up by Emily Maitlis and Krishnan Guru-Murthy the 2024 general election coverage on Channel 4 has seen some tense exchanges including Emily brutally cutting off Nadine Dorries with just one word. Emily and Krishnan have been joined by guests including Nadine, Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart.

After the devastating exit poll for the Conservatives, which is predicting a major landslide win for Labour and left BBC political editor Chris Mason with only word to say, Nadine appears to be coming across as very defensive on Channel 4's coverage. Viewers have said it was "wonderful watching" to see Emily brutally cut her off with one word after they clashed previously during the show.

Emily was questioning Nadine about whether Boris Johnson should return as a prominent figure in the Conservative party. Trying to dodge the question and talk about a different subject, Nadine said: "Everybody else has been allowed to make their cases, can I just finish what I am going to say?"

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In a savage one-word response Emily replied: "Briefly." while Alastair added: "You've gone on a fair bit." Viewers are loving watching the brutal exchanges, one said: "channel 4 presenters are fed up with Nadine Dorries already. shes not shut up about Boris Johnson for a minute." For the latest TV & Showbiz news, sign up to our newsletter.

Another added: "The complete hatred Emily Matlis has got Nadine Dorries is wonderful watching." and another viewer said: "#Election2024 Alistair Campbell owning Nadine Doris is beautiful “I don’t know what you’re talking about Nadine….. I don’t think you know what you’re talking about Nadine"

A fourth said: Nadine Doris came to @Channel4 tonight and wants a fight. @maitlis & @campbellclaret having none of it". Join our General Election WhatsApp community by clicking on this link, and selecting 'Join Community'. No one else will be able to see your personal information and you’ll only receive messages from WalesOnline’s team. You will receive updates from us daily and through the night on July 4.