Vile ex left victim scared to leave flat after he tried to drag her from car

Michael Edmonds
-Credit: (Image: Devon and Cornwall Police)

A man who terrified his ex-girlfriend and made her feel like she was in prison will get a flavour of what that feels like as he's put behind bars. Michael Eric Edmonds, 30, made his victim's life hell over several months as he showed up at her home, threatened her and even tried to grab her from her car.

Edmonds, of no fixed abode, but formerly of Moliniss Road in Bugle, appeared at Truro Crown Court today (Thursday, May 23) for sentence having pleaded guilty to two counts of breaching a restraining order and one of affray. The court heard how, over several months and despite being ordered to stay away from his victim, Edmonds made his frightened victim's "life stop".

Prosecuting the case, Ryan Murray said that on one occasion the victim was trying to return some of Edmonds' things to his mother's house in Bodmin when he climbed into her car, then on top of it and resisted her attempts to remove him. As she tried to drive away slowly he used his clothes to block her view out of the windscreen.

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Mr Murray that said as things progressed Edmonds reached into the car and "grabbed her with his hands" before trying to pull her out of the vehicle. He ignored her pleas for him to leave her alone and shouted abuse at members of the public trying to help.

After the incident, he was arrested and in a police statement denied going to her property and that the incident had even taken place. A passerby managed to record some of it happening. He had previously showed up at his victim's home in the night, kicking at the door and trying to climb through her window.

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The court heard how the defendant continued to contact his victim after these incidents despite being on police bail and despite a restraining order being in place preventing him from contacting her. The victim said she would mostly ignore him although occasionally would answer the phone. She said he would be "erratic" and "shout down the phone" demanding to meet with him or he would "slit his own throat".

She received some 334 calls from him over a three-and-a-half month period including 100 calls in a single day. The victim answered some of those calls because he was threatening to harm himself.

In a victim impact statement, she said: "In relation to all of the incidents that have happened involving Michael it's made me feel like I've been in prison for the last three years." She said his behaviour made her not want to leave her flat or use her car, saying "it has affected my life extremely".

She's been taking antidepressants and has had counselling to cope with the events since. "My whole life has stopped because of what he's done to me," she added. "It's not just the abuse I have to get over but all of the horrible traumatic things."

Representing Edmonds, Ramsay Quaife said the defendant had never come before the courts until he was aged 26 and he is now 30 years of age. He said: "Your honour is dealing with a man today who is not the man of those days."

Having spent six months in custody, he said of Edmonds: "He acknowledges there are problems with alcohol and substance abuse and while in custody he has had the benefits of working with We Are With You."

The defendant was also described as "motivated" and "constantly polite and engaged" during his time in custody. Edmonds had also written the judge a letter saying he was not the same person as the man who committed the offences.

Sentencing Edmonds, Recorder Richard Paige said: "This was a course of conduct directed towards [the victim], including violent breaches of a restraining order, having already committed a number of offences against her.

"It is a course of conduct that lasted over three months which, in my judgement, is clearly a persistent and serious breach." In his sentencing remarks, he said: "I do not consider the remorse expressed in your letter to be genuine."

Following some credit for his guilty pleas, Edmonds was sentenced to 25 months imprisonment. He will serve half of that and then be released on licence.