Village shop boss on why she still loves her job after 50 years behind the till

Carolyn Rose Mobbs, the owner of Ludham Village Stores <i>(Image: The Publicity Works)</i>
Carolyn Rose Mobbs, the owner of Ludham Village Stores (Image: The Publicity Works)

A woman who has worked in the same village store for five decades says she "still loves it" as she talks about her collaboration with a local business.

Carolyn Rose Mobbs has worked at Ludham Bridge Stores on the Norfolk Broads for more than 50 years.

Born and raised in the village, the 67-year-old first started working there when she was a 14-year-old schoolgirl looking for a part-time job.

Mrs Mobbs with Steve Haines of Bittern Books (Image: The Publicity Works)

"I just love the store," Mrs Mobbs said, who runs the shop with her husband Andrew.

"If we have to give up, you know because I’m 67 and he’s 70, that would just break my heart.

"I love the company and interacting with people from so many different places.

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"Even if my husband reckons I talk too much."

Mrs Mobbs bought the business eight years ago when the previous owner asked if she was interested in taking it over.

“I thought I better do it just in case the new owner put me out of a job."

Like many village stores, the shop has played a vital role in its community for generations.

Being situated in the heart of the Broads means it also caters heavily to tourists and sells a range of products including gifts, groceries and boat licences.

The shop also carries a selection of books supplied by local distributors Bittern Books which specialises in East Anglian books and maps.

Local crime fiction novels by David Blake are very popular as well as books on the history of Norfolk.

Mrs Mobbs added: “Bittern Books are very easy to work with.

“I’ll call Steve Haines, founder and owner of Bittern Books, and he’ll tell me about anything new and interesting he’s got, and then he’ll either deliver them himself or get them sent over as soon as possible.”