Village shop to be turned into house years after closing

The business has been closed since 2017 <i>(Image: Google Maps/Streetview)</i>
The business has been closed since 2017 (Image: Google Maps/Streetview)

A 19th-century fisherman's cottage which has been used as a printer's workshop for the last 34 years will be turned back into a house.

The property in South Street, Lancing, has been owned by the same family since 1984.

The printing business closed in 2017 and the owners will now turn the shop, which had also once been a motorbike store, back into a home.

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The ground floor print workshop will be converted into a spacious living room with a separate bathroom, and the former office spaces on the first floor will become a kitchen and bedroom area with storage space.

The plans, submitted by Peter Wilson on behalf of Nickolas Chow, also include a second-floor terrace balcony and a new entrance for the homeowners.

There will also be space for bike storage inside the home.

Adur and Worthing Councils approved the plans on Tuesday after no objections had been made.