Violence at Grand National as racegoers are left stunned by fighting

Fighting breaks out on Ladies Day at the Grand National -Credit:SCARFF/AFP via Getty Images
Fighting breaks out on Ladies Day at the Grand National -Credit:SCARFF/AFP via Getty Images

Trouble broke out at Aintree on Friday, as Ladies Day was marred by a fight between racegoers. Violence erupted on the second day of the Grand National festival when a group of young men were seen fighting in the middle of the crowd.

One shocking picture showed a suited man with blood around his mouth and appearing to line up a punch on another man, who was holding up his hand, The Mirror reports.

A second snap showed another man hitting someone in the side of the head, as others grappled on the floor behind them in front of stunned spectators. Ladies Day is usually known for its glitz and glamour, but the sight of blood and scuffles were far removed.

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Merseyside Police later confirmed: "Three men have been arrested on suspicion of affray following a report of a fight at the front of the Princess Royal Stand."

A spokeswoman added that one man received treatment for minor injuries on site. The police also said it had also seized three drones after they were flown in a restricted area.

Several fights have broken out at Aintree over the years, with tensions in the crowd boiling over in various ways. Ahead of the three-day festival, which saw approximately 150,000 people visit the site, Merseyside Police issued a statement on their plans to deal with any trouble.

Superintendent Matthew Moscrop said: "As ever, we are expecting a large number of visitors to Aintree, and it is another prime opportunity to showcase what Merseyside has to offer. Anti-social behaviour, hate crime, disorder and other criminal activity will not be tolerated and will be dealt with robustly."

Fighting breaks out on Ladies Day at the Grand National -Credit:SCARFF/AFP via Getty Images
Fighting breaks out on Ladies Day at the Grand National -Credit:SCARFF/AFP via Getty Images

He continued: "Officers (plain-clothed) are specially trained to spot the tell-tale signs that someone may have criminal intent, such as gathering information that may help them plan or prepare to commit a crime.

"As with all big events, a considerable amount of planning from all partner organisations has been done in the run-up to the three-day festival to ensure everyone who attends has a great time, and that it is memorable for all the right reasons."