Violent Hull man punched security guard at McDonald's just weeks after being given chance to avoid prison

Adrian Nock admitted two offences of assault and another of assaulting a police officer
Adrian Nock admitted two offences of assault and another of assaulting a police officer -Credit:Humberside Police

A violent and drunken troublemaker viciously punched a security guard so hard during a bad-tempered confrontation at McDonald's that it caused the victim to "see stars".

Adrian Nock later became aggressive and difficult at a police station when he suddenly tried to headbutt a detention officer who was escorting him along a corridor, Hull Crown Court heard.

Nock, 41, of Cambridge Street, off Anlaby Road, west Hull, admitted two offences of assault and another of assaulting a police officer as an emergency worker on March 23.


He also admitted breaching a 17-month suspended prison sentence imposed in January for offences including assault causing actual bodily harm and breaching a non-molestation order.

Billy Torbett, prosecuting, said that, at 7.02pm, police received a telephone call from staff at McDonald's in Jameson Street, Hull, about a man being aggressive towards security staff and shouting racial and abusive comments.

They went there and security staff handed over Nock. He was evasive and refused to give them his surname. "He was heavily in drink and possibly under the influence of substances," said Mr Torbett.

CCTV pictures showed Nock approach security staff and become aggressive and immediately hostile as if he were trying to provoke a fight. Security staff did not engage with him but he got involved in another incident.

He was told to stop vaping but he made a racist remark and he tried to punch one of the security officers. He missed but he hit a second officer to the side of his head.

"The two security guards took him outside and called the police," said Mr Torbett. "He threw a metal bar." Nock returned inside and hit one of the security officers. He was removed for a second time.

Nock continued to be aggressive while in police custody and he was taken to a cell. He tried to headbutt a detention officer, who was escorting him down a corridor.

Nock had convictions for 27 previous offences, including six of assault, many of them recent. He also had a conviction in 2015 for being drunk and disorderly.

Oliver Shipley, mitigating, said that Nock had suffered problems and these affected his behaviour. "Quite frankly, his head 'went'," said Mr Shipley.

"He turned back to alcohol. He was on a suspended sentence and he was doing quite well. He was in the process of setting up a business for an industrial carpet and upholstery cleaning service that he wishes to provide.

"He has sought help for alcohol misuse." Nock found himself in a situation where he had not been able to "grapple with" his problems and stay away from alcohol.

Recorder David Kelly said that Nock had "significant previous convictions" and he hit one of the security officers with such force that it caused him to "see stars" during the assaults on staff.

"They were committed within just two months of you being given a chance to rehabilitate yourself," said Recorder Kelly. "You didn't take that chance. So soon after it was imposed, you committed these offences."

Nock, who was already in custody on remand, was jailed for 14 months after part of the original suspended prison sentence was activated.

* Barrister Billy Torbett, who represented the prosecution, was presenting his first case at the court. He joined Crown Chambers in Hull as a pupil barrister in October last year.