The return of Borneo’s bearded boars – and what it means for the food chain

Bearded pig Sus barbatus eating the seeds of Dipterocarp tree Dipterocarpaceae. Danum Valley, Borneo
The once abundant boars disappeared from Kinabatangan forests as the population succumbed to African swine fever - BBC digital pictures

It’s not the sort of post you expect to “go viral”: three blurry snapshots of a bearded boar and its piglets as they shuffle through Borneo’s thick jungle, scavenging for worms in the undergrowth.

But after a violent outbreak decimated the region’s population, it’s a sight many feared they’d never see again.

“Breaking news!!! The bearded pigs are back in the Kinabatangan forest,” the post – which has raked in thousands of enthusiastic comments, likes and shares – announced earlier this month, sharing photos from a hidden camera trap. “This is the first picture evidence of their comeback.”

If sustained, it’ll be quite a comeback. In January 2021, as people across the globe were still grappling with Covid-19, African swine fever (ASF) arrived in the lush jungle at the northeastern tip of Malaysian Borneo.

The highly contagious, highly fatal hemorrhagic pathogen doesn’t infect humans, but had already left a trail of destruction in swine across Europe and Africa since re-emerging in Georgia in 2007. It was first noticed a century earlier by British colonists in East Africa, having spread from warthogs – the natural reservoir – to pigs, where it was far more lethal.

Camera stills of the bearded boars
Images taken from camera trap footage show bearded boars in Borneo's jungle - Danau Girang Field Centre

The virus finally hit Asia in 2018, killing millions of pigs and wrecking havoc for farmers – especially in China, the world’s largest pork producer.

Then ASF jumped to Borneo, where the devastation was swift and the ramifications striking.

“At the beginning, we weren’t sure what it was,” says Dr Macarena Gonzalez, a wildlife veterinarian based at the Danau Girang Research Centre (DGRC), a remote outpost in Sabah on the banks of the Kinabatangan river, where the disease was first detected.

“When we found the first carcass, we didn’t take it as something uncommon – we thought maybe it had been eaten by a monitor lizard, or affected by the floods.”

But as the bodies piled up, the stench wafting through the jungle, Dr Gonzalez raised the alarm. Within a month, the once abundant boars had disappeared from Kinabatangan.

“It was so weird not to see them anymore – there were no tracks, they were nowhere,” she says. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

An aerial view of the River Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysia
Bearded pigs had been absent from the forests around the Kinabatangan river after ASF ripped through the region - Mailee Osten-Tan

It didn’t take long for the virus to fan out across Borneo. According to one paper published in Nature, it eventually raced across the world’s third largest island at a pace of 4.2km per day.

A second wave hit pig farms, but the first devastated the region’s iconic bearded boars – wiping out up to 95 per cent of them. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) already listed them as ‘vulnerable’ in their Red List of endangered species; researchers writing in Science have since called for them to be reclassified as critically endangered.

“Although African swine fever has garnered substantial attention in countries with substantial pork industries, its effects in Borneo have been largely overlooked,” the letter warned.

The bearded boar’s absence has had significant ripple effects across local communities and the ecosystem; it has even been linked to a bump in crocodile attacks.

“Bearded pigs were one of the most important prey for large crocodiles,” says Dr Benoit Goossens, director of the DGFC. “There’s been an increase in attacks on people in the last few years… one hypothesis is that they could be predating on people instead.”

A crocodile on the banks of the Kinabatangan River rears its head
Locals say they saw an increase in crocodile attacks on people in the absence of boars - Mailee Osten-Tan

Crocodiles aren’t the only ones to lose a food source. Although Borneo’s Muslim population don’t consume pork, non-Muslim villages nestled in the rainforest relied on the bearded boars for up to 80 per cent of their protein intake.

“It was a big thing, because it really is in the culture – locals have hunted pigs for generations and generations,” says Dr Goossens, who co-authored the letter to Science. These hunts are a social lynchpin for Indigenous peoples, though bans remain in place now.

Dr Goossens’ collaborator Prof Erik Meijaard, a former chair of the IUCN Wild Pigs Specialist Group, adds that ASF is both a food security and a poverty issue.

“If you’re taking out 80 per cent of the protein you’re normally consuming and that’s completely disappeared, the question is what are you replacing it with? In many instances, that’s not clear. So it’s a health and nutrition issue for people in the forests,” he says.

Wake-up call

And then there’s the jungle itself. Wild pigs are often referred to as the gardeners or engineers of the rainforest ecosystem because of their critical role in turning over soil while scavenging for worms, browsing seedlings and dispersing seeds of fruit they’ve consumed.

“I don’t think we can predict what the long term consequences of them having much lower numbers will be at this point, but certainly there will be changes to the way the forest works,” says Prof Robert Ewers, a professor of ecology at Imperial College London, and co-author of the Nature publication.

But he adds that Borneo’s experience should be a wake-up call. If ASF hits other islands home to wild boars – such as Timor-Leste, the Philippines or Java and Sumatra in Indonesia – the populations may never recover.

“When ASF hit Europe, the [wild] pigs there came into a balance with ASF moving around the region… pigs would get mostly wiped out in one location, but then re-invade from another or rebuild populations afterwards,” Prof Ewers says. “Borneo is probably large enough for a similar dynamic to play out.

“But as ASF moves across the smaller islands of southeast Asia, there isn’t space for that dynamic to emerge, so I’m extremely concerned about the future of the endemic pig species across the archipelago.”

Dr Goossens and Prof Meijaard agreed. “Urgent research and interventions, with the participation of rural communities, should focus on preventing the spread of African swine fever to other regions where people depend on pigs,” they wrote in Science.

Camera stills showing the bearded boars
Camera-trap images of the boars have been met with relief and delight - Danau Girang Field Centre

It’s unclear how long it will take the bearded pigs to recover in Borneo, and if they’ll ever become as abundant as they once were. But at DGFC, relief about the sighting is palpable.

“They used to be so common, when we saw them [on the camera traps] we would just think ‘oh, another pig’,” says Dr Gonzalez. “Now just one sighting is exciting.

“I was in a meeting and my student interrupted to say I had to see what was on the camera trap,” she adds, smiling as she recalls the sighting a fortnight ago. “We were very happy… especially because they were in a group and looked healthy.”

It’s not just the scientists who are excited that some pigs survived the epizootic.

“When I posted it on our Facebook, it went viral, people were saying welcome back, et cetera et cetera,” says Dr Goossens. “Still, I was very surprised by the number of people reacting. It shows how big a thing this was, how important they are to local culture.

“It took four years to see them back in our area. So this is exciting, it’s good news for Sabah.”

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