I visited Seaham Harbour Marina to speak to business owners about the impact the car parking charges have on them

Seaham Harbour Marina, where local businesses are struggling as a result of the new parking charges.
Seaham Harbour Marina, where local businesses are struggling as a result of the new parking charges. -Credit:Chronicle Live

After my previous visit to Seaham a couple of weeks ago, I decided to head down and see how the businesses on the Marina had been impacted by the new parking charges. When I first arrived, I went to the viewing platform and looked out at what looked like a decreased number of people than when I had previously visited.

After heading further down to where all the businesses are situated, I went in to the first place and stopped to speak to the owner of both Nicey Icey and Pancake Kitchen, Sharon Clark. Sharon said: "This has been absolutely horrendous for us and the shop should be heaving on a day like this.

"It's really heart-breaking and this has only been four weeks and all of the businesses are feeling it, we have had no reprieve at all. I have had to tell staff to take something else if it comes up, as I can't guarantee their jobs, which is so sad."

I then moved on to the next shop, which is owned by Ann Stewart, who has been equally as impacted by the parking situation. She said: "It has been absolutely dead here, the parking charges have killed the whole of the area.

Sharon Clark, the owner of Nicey Icey and Pancake Kitchen in Seaham Harbour Marina.
Sharon Clark, the owner of Nicey Icey and Pancake Kitchen in Seaham Harbour Marina. -Credit:Chronicle Live

"I have been here eight years and it is insane how much of an impact this has had, it's so sad as Seaham was such a well built up place but now it has been all taken away.

"Lonely, isolated older and disabled people, who also have to pay with a blue badge by the way, come down as it is accessible and it's a lifeline for them, but now they need to pay, it is unacceptable."

Ann Stewart, the owner of Seaside Chic in Seaham Harbour Marina.
Ann Stewart, the owner of Seaside Chic in Seaham Harbour Marina. -Credit:Chronicle Live

Next, Mark Saddington, the owner of Bulan Burgers, was equally as aggrieved, and he said: "Compared to last year we are so far off it, and this place would have been crammed on a nice day like this. I don't understand the rationale with doing this, it can't even be making the council that much more money.

"With all of the extra costs I can't see this being a massive profit for them so I don't know what's happening. This has been one of many frustrations with the council and I completely get why people are so annoyed."

Bulan Burgers, owned by Mark Saddington, in Seaham Harbour Marina.
Bulan Burgers, owned by Mark Saddington, in Seaham Harbour Marina. -Credit:Chronicle Live

Finally, I spoke to Debbie Turner, the owner of Mr Jacobs Sweet Emporium, and she said: "The footfall has dropped hugely and it has also been hugely noticeable in our takings. The weather has had an impact, but this whole thing is huge for those who are socially isolated like the elderly and disabled people.

"This causes conflict between people for disabled bays and it is honestly making me think how many weeks do I carry on? Usually people sit outside and eat but this is destroying our entire customer base."

From speaking to these business owners, it is clear to see that the issues with the parking charges stretch further than just the top of Seaham and Terrace Green. Many businesses down on the Marina feel left behind and if things continue in the way that they are going, I am not sure how many of them will still be there past this coming summer.

Debbie Turner, the owner of Mr Jacobs Sweet Emporium in Seaham Harbour Marina.
Debbie Turner, the owner of Mr Jacobs Sweet Emporium in Seaham Harbour Marina. -Credit:Chronicle Live

Previously, Kieron Moralee, Durham County Council’s Traffic Management Sector Manager, said: "The new charges, which are limited to six locations, bring Seaham into line with the rest of the car parks along the North East’s coast where charges are already in place.

"People can still park for free in numerous other sites around Seaham town centre, all of which are a short distance from the sea front. Our teams have been working in Seaham since the charges came in, looking out for any parking and traffic issues which may arise, and will continue to make regular visits."