I visited West Midlands town where people are saying 'breaking point'

I have visited more than a dozen towns ahead of the General Election, asking people what their priorities are - and nobody worries about health like Redditch residents. In the lead-up to the general election on July 4, BirminghamLive is speaking to people across the region to find out what matters most to them.

Standing on Redditch high street, near the market, locals voiced their opinions about the general election and the issues that affect them - and found huge NHS concerns. Housing also came up but the overwhelming view was the NHS was at breaking point.

Linda, 79, has spent her entire life in Redditch.
Linda, 79, has spent her entire life in Redditch. -Credit:Dylan Hayward

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Linda, 79, has spent her entire life in Redditch and is deeply concerned about the state of the country as the General Election approaches. Her primary focus is on the overall neglect she perceives in various sectors, particularly the NHS.

"I feel like we have a broken country; so much has been neglected," Linda said. Linda herself is waiting for a medical procedure, which has been delayed for months. "The National Health Service is desperately in need of more help," she said.

According to the British Medical Association, as of April 2024, the NHS waiting list for elective care (pre-planned hospital treatment and outpatient appointments) stood at a record 7.57 million cases.

Chris, in her 70s agreed and felt investment in the NHS and social housing were important. He said: "Social housing is a major issue, they spend money on the town center all the time, but the state of council housing and the paths where people have to walk are terrible."

Her comments reflected a broader sentiment that while urban development projects often receive funding, essential services like social housing are often overlooked. In 2010, funding for affordable housing was reduced by 60% as part of the drive to cut the deficit.

Adam, 36 was concerned about cuts to public services.
Chris's key issue this election was social housing.

Adam, 36 said that the cutting of public services was a key issue for him in Redditch. He said: "For me, it's more like a cutting of services. I feel like too many things have been cut" he said.

He shared a personal experience about the local hospital near his home. "When my wife was pregnant with my son, we used to go there all the time. Now, everything has just been cut down and shipped off to other places" he said.

frontage of hospital with ambulance outside
Adam, 36 was concerned about cuts to public services. -Credit:Dylan Hayward

Adam also mentioned attempts to close the local library, which he sees as part of a broader trend of diverting funds away from essential services.

"I just feel like it's all about cutting rather than diverting money to the right places, especially with the hospital" he added.

At a childrens play-group, Wendy, 58 said her primary concerns revolve around safety, policing, and the NHS. "

Everything to do with normal people basically" she said. She also expressed deep worries about children's futures. "They don't seem to have the freedom that we grew up with. Everything you have to worry about," she noted.

Wendy is particularly troubled by the overuse of technology among children. She said: "I worry about them on laptops and tablets and phones too much sometimes. They're not allowed to be children anymore."

Photo of shoppers in Market Place Redditch
File Photo Redditch's Alexandra Hospital -Credit:BPM

Redditch is crucial for both Labour and the Conservatives this election, as its results historically mirror regional trends. The seat has been held by the Conservatives since 2010 and is considered to be a bellweather seat, a key indicator of how the country is feeling.

The outcome here could very well signal the direction in which not just Redditch but also Birmingham and potentially even national politics are headed.

The candidates vying for Redditch's seat are:

  • Andrew Paul Fieldsend-Roxborough (Liberal Democrat)

  • Rachel Maclean (Conservative)

  • Christopher James Bloore (Labour)

  • David Frank Oliver Thain (Green Party)

  • Julie Allison (Reform UK)