Volunteers needed for scout group

Weymouth South Scout Group <i>(Image: Google Maps)</i>
Weymouth South Scout Group (Image: Google Maps)

A scout group in Weymouth is looking for people to volunteer and help support local children and the activities they take part in.

Weymouth South Scout Group are based in Rylands Lane in Wyke Regis and are made up of several sections, from Squirrels right through to Explorers from ages four to 18.

Currently there are over 171 young people in the group and it is now looking for more adult volunteers to join and offer an hour or two a week of their time.

A spokesperson for the scout group said: "Across the group we aim to provide the young people with life skills based around the scouting values.

"Our weekly sessions and the activities that we run for the young people are led by the age appropriate challenges and guides of the scouts association in order for young people to achieve awards and badges.

"We are extremely lucky in the local area that we can take advantage of the amazing surroundings, with great hikes, access to the sea and many local groups and specialists who come along to see our young people and support the activities."

The group has volunteered at many local events such as the beach motocross with the Lions Club and Fayre in the Square with the Rotary Club, as well as helping out in care homes and litter picking along the beach.

The group is also now offering the use of its hut for hire during the day and at weekends for parties or day time clubs.

For anyone interested in becoming a volunteer or hiring the scout contact group scout leader Adrian on 07979601340.