Voters in Bootle want more out of Labour - 'If you can lift children out of poverty, then why wouldn't you'

Leanne Price lives in Bootle and is a mum of four children
-Credit: (Image: LDRS)

Voters in Bootle are puzzled by Labour's stance on the two-child benefit cap policy and believe they are missing an 'open goal'.

Almost half a million children are now impacted by the cap and it has become a central issue in the lead up to next month's General Election.

For context, the policy restricts child tax credit and universal credit to the first two children in most households and was introduced by the Conservative government in 2017

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It's estimated families with more than two children cannot claim approximately £3,200 a year per extra child. According to research by Dr Kitty Stewart from the London School of Economics, the benefit cap has been responsible for plunging a rising number of children into poverty.

The figure of almost 500,000 children was discussed by all major political parties during the live debate on ITV on Thursday in which Angela Rayner was asked about Labour's position on the cap and whether they would remove it if they won the general election.

Both the Greens and the Lib Dems said the removal of the cap would lift half a million children out of poverty overnight and committed their parties to abolishing it if they took power.

Rayner was non-committal on the topic and explained Labour would not commit to unrealistic expenditures. Labour's Deputy Leader had previously responded to questions on the two-child benefit cap by saying the party had to 'prioritise' funding due to the constraints caused by the Tories 'crashing' the economy.

The two-child benefit cap is a widely unpopular policy and many feel it is an example of the Tories failing to understand the needs of ordinary people. However, even Suella Braverman has gone on record to say the policy needs scrapping.

Therefore, the Labour Party's position on the cap has puzzled and angered many of its traditional supporters who think they are missing an opportunity to effect real and immediate change. This is certainly a view held by Bootle resident Frank Coyle.

Frank Coyle is a resident of Bootle
Frank Coyle is a resident of Bootle -Credit:(credit: LDRS)

Frank is 80-years-old and said he's seen enough elections to know politicians 'are all the same' and tend to make promises they can't keep.

Frank has been turned off by the live party TV debates and the focus on Labour and Conservative 'in-fighting'. Frank feels there should be more support for some of the alternative parties with the Greens, Workers Party of Britain, Reform UK and Lib Dems all vying for the parliamentary seat in Bootle.

He said: "I think a lot of people will go for the smaller parties this time around and can't see Labour getting the kind of majority that's been reported.

"From what I've seen the women from the Greens and Lib Dems really impressed me as did the fella from Wales. Labour can't take anything for granted.

"What I can't understand is their stance of the two child benefit cap. It's an open goal for Labour and they should get rid of it to help families."

During a walk-around in Bootle, it was clear the two-child benefit cap policy was one which inspired concern - even from those not directly impacted by it.

Ray stopped to chat to us on Stanley Road and revealed he'll probably vote Labour on July 4, but said the current party are making it difficult for him. Asked why, Ray said: "They are a bit vague on what they'll do.

"But I have to say, this child benefit cap has to go and the support has to go to more children. The question is if you can lift children out of poverty then why wouldn't you."

'We Look After Each Other' sign in Bootle
'We Look After Each Other' sign in Bootle -Credit:LDRS

This is a sentiment shared by long-time Bootle resident, Graham who said: "Taking kids out of poverty is a no brainer. I don't have kids and don't know much about that area but for parents and families, Labour should be taking on that policy and making it one of the main themes of their campaign."

To explore the issue in further depth we sought out the opinions of local parents who may be directly effected by the policy. It was during this search that we bumped into Leanne Price who was pushing a pram towards Bootle Strand with her son.

Leanne lives in Bootle and is a mum of four children including one two-year-old and another turning 18 and about to go to university.

Leanne said she is old enough to remember Sure Start centres and how important they were to her family. She said: "We used to get the nursery place and free milk for the kids. There was also maternity grants, but they've also gone.

"I want to see more nursery places. I'm looking around now and it's a real struggle finding somewhere. More places would really help people."

Asked about the debate around the two child benefit cap, Leanne said: "Like many parents, we struggle financially so if we did get a little extra support even if it's just £10-£20 per week, it would be amazing and would make all the difference.

Skyline view overlooking Bootle town centre leading over to the docks
Skyline view overlooking Bootle town centre leading over to the docks -Credit:LDRS

"Especially with the cost of living crisis now. The amount we spend on shopping is ridiculous.

"It's got to the point where I'll make sure the kids eat but I won't eat and there's loads of mums I know who are in the same boat.

"Also, it's not just a work issue because my partner works and we still massively struggle."

Financial struggles, the cost of living crisis, employment and opportunity were consistent themes with the people we spoke to. These issues came up numerous times and especially from young people like 21-year-old, Jerry.

Jerry lives and works in Bootle and we asked him about his take on the election and what had piqued his interest in the campaign thus far.

Jerry is 21-years-old and works in Bootle
Jerry is 21-years-old and works in Bootle -Credit:LDRS

Referencing the recent debate around National Service, Jerry said: "It's another kick in the teeth isn't it.

"The vast majority of young people simply can't afford to put aside a weekend every month or an entire year of their lives."

After Rishi Sunak floated the National Service policy, there was a lot of talk around the conditions young people face and how best to address them. Asked what policies and/or parties could win the votes of younger people, Jerry said: "Conservatives no chance, Lib Dems no chance. Labour are losing me as they sound like 2010 Tories.

"However, Labour's pledge to end zero hours contracts and the lowering of the voting age to 16 are good ideas.

"I like what the Greens have said, but because of the Tories and Labour failing to implement proportional representation voting reform, I feel like there's no chance of smaller parties getting into power.

"However, I will be voting. I know it's dispiriting and I understand people being turned off, but I still think it's important to have your say and lodge your viewpoint at the ballot box."

Brian Cousins is a singer songwriter
Brian Cousins is a singer songwriter -Credit:LDRS

This sense of despair about politics and its leaders is a view shared by different generations of people. Brian Cousins is 80-years-old and introduces himself as a singer songwriter. Brian said it's difficult to trust politicians and believes there's a lot of corruption, citing the expenses scandal in 2009 as being a sort bellwether for what followed.

Asked about whether parties outside of Labour and Conservative can offer change, he is unsure. He said: "We saw the Lib Dems have success didn't we but then they got into bed with the Tories. They couldn't handle it."

Nonetheless, Brian believes it's important to try and keep cheerful despite everything going on in the world and said he will vote this year because change is needed. He said: "What can you do when your boots let in? Buy a pair of wellies!".

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