Wales has Europe's longest private beach but not many people go there

Afon Cynffig looking over to the misty sands of Morfa Beach
-Credit: (Image: eswales/Wiki)

It’s reputedly the longest private beach in Europe and it could be glorious if not for one glaring reason. Dominating the backdrop is a giant industrial plant that owns the beach and has tried to stop local people walking there in the past.

Older residents remember how it used to look. Lined by trees, with a farmhouse reminiscent of an “Italian villa” nearby, the “beautiful’ sandy beach was flanked by moorland and dunes that have since become part of a nature reserve.

The site owners say the beach is hazardous but public access is permitted thanks to a hard-fought battle by local residents. Privately owned by steel giant Tata, Morfa Beach – also known as Margam Sands – lies in the shadow of Port Talbot’s massive steelworks.

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According to one visitor, it’s a place where “ocean tranquility meets industrialisation”. Given the backdrop, it’s perhaps little wonder the beach is regarded as a good spot for naturists. “Never too busy,” said one aficionado. “Usually you will not see a soul around.”

The beach stretches from the deep harbour at the eastern end of Aberavon sands to the mouth of the Afon Cynffig, reports WalesOnline. A footpath runs alongside the beach but in 2011, a row broke out when Tata tried to close a section, arguing it was part of an area officially classed as a COMAH (Control Of Major Accident Hazards) Tier 1 site, the highest rating.

Tata and Neath Port Talbot Council aimed to divert walkers via a new footpath. Residents campaigned for their access to be maintained, saying that, while it was private land, the path had been used by walkers and surfers for decades without issue.

The stand-off lasted three years, culminating with a public inquiry in November 2013. Campaigners successfully opposed the closure of Footpath 92 (also known as Longlands Lane or Heol Cae Bont) and they now meet every New Year’s Day to walk the route. The North Wales Live Whatsapp community for top stories and breaking news is live now - here’s how to sign up

The beach has fine sand but a prominent neighbour and is mostly off-limits
The beach has fine sand but a prominent neighbour and is mostly off-limits -Credit:John Myers/WalesOnline

Even though the footpath remains in place, access to the private beach itself is restricted. Club anglers can secure access via the company and, offshore, surfers are a familiar sight. Due to the restrictions, visitors remark on how clean the beach is. One woman, visiting last year, said it was “one of the most pleasant and the calmest beaches” she’d ever seen.

But for some, the serenity is a poignant reminder of what could have been. “It would be a nice beach if it wasn’t for all the industrial activity,” sighed one reviewer. Sign up for the North Wales Live newsletter sent twice daily to your inbox

Morfan Beach is home to two incredible historical secrets, both revealed only at low tide. One is a Cromwell tank used for D-Day training; the other is the wreck of the MV Amazon, a four-masted ship carrying 2,000 tonnes of coal that broke up in a 1908 storm with the loss of 20 of its 28 crew.

And despite its looming industrial presence, the 12 sq km steelworks has a gentler side too. It’s a site of scientific interest that’s home to rare plants such as Sea Stock, Sharp Rush, Dotted Sedge and Fen Orchids. Peregrine falcons have nested there and the works host one of the UK’s rarest bumblebees, the Shrill Carder Bee.

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