Walker dad left partner fearing she would be killed by strangling her

Ian Alexander Smith, who admitted intentional strangulation
-Credit: (Image: Northumbria Police)

A dad who left his partner fearing she would be killed by strangling her has walked free from court.

Ian Alexander Smith and the victim had been in a relationship for around six years when the attack happened on October 13 last year. Around 7.30am, she went downstairs to get their daughter ready for school and Smith came downstairs around 30 minutes later before they both ended up going back upstairs.

Oliver Connor, prosecuting, told Newcastle Crown Court that over the preceding days they had not been speaking. The woman told him they could end their relationship if he wanted if things weren't working . Mr Connor said: "He became verbally abusive and threw coats and plates towards her. Those items did not make contact.

"He then took hold of her by her neck. He knelt on her and pinned her on the bed and said 'what's to stop me from killing you right now' and she said 'I don't know'.

"She said he then said 'you better say goodbye to your daughter, that will be the last time you see her'."

In a victim impact statement, the woman said: "I honestly thought he was going to kill me. I'm scared of Alex and what he will do.

"It's caused everything to change in my life. I'm finding it difficult to sleep. I'm devastated it went this way. I want him to get the support he needs."

Smith, 28, of Nidsdale Avenue, Walker, Newcastle, pleaded guilty to intentional strangulation and was sentenced by Recorder Chris Williams to 12 months suspended for 18 months with a £500 fine. He was also given a three-year restraining order.

Ian Hudson, defending, said Smith disputes making the comments alleged during the attack. He said has been assessed as a low risk by a probation officer and has a long term mental disorder. It was very much an impulsive reaction.

"This happened in a split second, it's not a prolonged, thank goodness, strangulation. There are strangulations and strangulations before this court. It's obviously had a significant effect on the lady and I don't belittle it.

"He has genuine remorse. He has taken voluntary steps to sort out his anger."