Want to live to 100? This cancer surgeon has the formula

Dr Peter Attia
Dr Peter Attia

“What is the point of delaying death if we don’t enhance life?” asks Dr Peter Attia. It’s a question to which the former cancer surgeon-turned-management consultant and now a bestselling author devotes his life. The secret, says Attia, is to focus less on how long we are living and more on how well we are living: to increase what he calls our “healthspan”.

According to Attia, most of us are living longer, but rather than enjoying our later years, many are spending them in ill health or pain, or grappling with what he calls the four horsemen of chronic disease: cancer, diabetes, dementia and heart disease.

If we look after our healthspan, says Attia, an 80-year-old can have the coordination, movement, strength and cognitive function of someone two decades younger, and they can enjoy their life until the end. “But only if they build up a reserve now and put some savings in the bank,” he says.

It is a message that is resonating. Last year Attia released his book Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity, essentially his prescription for how to improve our healthspan. It was an immediate bestseller. Attia hosts a thriving podcast and has nearly a million followers on social media, where he posts regular health and fitness tips.

“Prevention is everything. Heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer – none of these diseases happen overnight,” he says. “Even if a person has a sudden heart attack, that’s a process that’s been going on for 30-40 years before the heart attack. If you want to treat chronic diseases, you can’t act with an acute medicine playbook, your prevention must take place over decades.”

An 80-year-old can have the coordination, movement, strength and cognitive function of someone two decades younger
An 80-year-old can have the coordination, movement, strength and cognitive function of someone two decades younger - Robert Daly/Getty

Attia argues that modern medicine, which he calls medicine 2.0, has now reached the limits of what it can do and requires a reboot.

“We are living a far better life than anyone could have imagined five generations ago, and medicine 2.0 has been very successful at treating infectious diseases and acute illnesses,” he says. “Modern medicine has had some success in treating chronic disease, most notably heart disease, but it’s stalled. If we want to eke out more lifespan and, more importantly, more healthspan, we have to move to a system that is far more preventative. That also relies on nutrition, exercise, emotional health and sleep. It would keep the good of medicine 2.0 and bolt on the strategies of medicine 3.0.”

Attia himself embodies what he recommends to others. The father of three, who now runs a private practice, has a demanding daily exercise routine, mixing it up between cardio training on a bike and strength training with weights. His  hobby is archery and he goes walking at the weekend.  He also spends at least two hours a week doing exercises focusing on stability and strength.

He prioritises making “sure I spend eight hours in bed every night”,  is careful about what he eats and drinks and is candid about his struggles with emotional health and how he works every day to stay calm and happy.

“It’s quite simple,” he says. “Time, exercise, sleep and adequate nutrition – which is far less expensive than most people think. Fundamentally, living a longer life is available to anybody willing to break a sweat,” he says.

Key to Attia’s philosophy is the view that it is never too late to get started. “The sooner you can make changes the better,” he says. “You don’t have to wait until you’re 60. If you’re 40 that’s as good a time as any, and if you’re 75, that’s not too late. Whatever positive changes you make now will benefit you.”

So what should we do to maximise our healthspan? Here are Attia’s general principles:

Exercising daily and lifting weights will add years to your life

“Most people do an insufficient amount of exercise of all varieties, and not enough strength training,” he says. “If I took someone who doesn’t exercise at all and got them exercising 30 minutes a day, five days a week, you would reduce their all-cause mortality by 15 per cent – that’s an enormous increase in length of life. If you take a person who is exercising 30 minutes a day, and you increase it to an hour a day, that would decrease all-cause mortality by 40-50 per cent.”

Strength training is particularly important as we lose muscle mass as we age, and those with the least muscle mass are at the greatest risk of dying from all causes. Studies show that muscle mass protects people from falling, which is the leading cause of accidental deaths in people aged 65 and older.

The biggest mistake people make is eating too little protein

Attia doesn’t recommend a specific diet, beyond advising people to avoid junk food and not eating to excess.

“In general, people need fewer calories and more protein,” he says. “As we age we develop something called anabolic resistance, which means it is more and more difficult for the muscles to engage in protein synthesis. So to preserve our muscle mass, we have to make sure we are consuming enough protein. That means about 2g of protein per kilogram of body, so an 80kg person needs at least 160g of protein a day.

Most people are not hitting those levels when they reach their 50s and 60s and that’s one of the biggest mistakes people make as they age. Protein not only helps to build muscle, it also has beneficial effects on metabolism and helps us feel less hungry.

People need fewer calories and more protein
People need fewer calories and more protein - alle12

Limit treats and alcohol

Says Attia of his own routine: “I’m not a monk, I enjoy food – but I don’t go so far off the rails that I need to do a big reset. I eat more desserts around the holidays of course, but then the next day I’ll exercise. One of the things I say to my patients is, don’t have two bad days in a row. It’s better to have a diet that is 7/10 good than vacillating between 10/10 perfection and 0 out of 10 misery,” he says.

When it comes to alcohol, he drinks moderately. “I don’t drink to excess, I don’t drink just because there is alcohol there. If I’m going to drink, I’ll make sure it’s a great bottle of wine or a fantastic Tequila, and I will usually have one or two drinks, at a maximum of three times a week,” he says.

Manage ruminative thoughts so they don’t disrupt sleep

Poor sleep is linked to multiple health issues, from making us more likely to catch a cold to metabolic dysfunction, type 2 diabetes and the body’s hormonal function. Good sleep is also vital for our brains and mental health.

“I am very diligent about how much I sleep,” says Attia. “ I try to spend eight hours in bed every night and I do that with a set of routines. So I’m mindful of how much alcohol I drink, I don’t eat too close to bedtime, I make sure the room is at the right temperature, I don’t look at electronics, and I find ways to wind down,” says Attia.

He recommends turning off unnecessary lights at home and reducing light exposure a couple of hours before bedtime, as well as banishing electronic devices from the room and exercising during the day.

We also need to prepare our minds for sleep. “Frankly, as we get older we tend to have more ruminative thoughts, so we need to create some distance between work and bed so that we have time to turn our brains off. Avoid things that might create stress or anxiety, such as reading work emails or checking the news, or write a few lines and create a plan of action for the next day,” says Attia.

Look after your emotional health every day

Perhaps the most important part of living a longer, better life, Attia believes. He writes candidly about how the trauma he experienced as a child led to perfectionism, workaholism, depression and anger.

Fixing our emotional health is vital for our physical health because “they are so closely intertwined,” he says. Yet Attia believes that there is also no point aiming for a better healthspan if our lives are a misery.

“If we don’t have joy in our lives then the concept of living longer seems irrelevant, even grotesque. If you think about being miserable and alone and irritated and angry, the question is why would you want to suffer for longer? Why wouldn’t amelioration of our emotional suffering be our highest priority?” he says.

“If I have a bad day, I have to be curious and work at it, to ask myself why I was rude to my wife, why did I lose my temper?” he says. “I write in my journal and I see a therapist weekly, but truthfully it’s about having the tools to discuss things with people with whom I have conflict, in a nonjudgmental way, and hearing the other person’s point of view.”


How to live longer than your parents

Read more

Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity by Dr Peter Attia is out now