Warner Bros. shelves a completed John Cena movie, despite positive test screenings

 Wile E. Coyote and John Cena.
Wile E. Coyote and John Cena.

Coyote vs. Acme, a live-action/animation hybrid movie in the Looney Tunes universe starring John Cena, has met the same fate as Batgirl. The movie, which cost $72 million and completed filming last year, has been shelved by Warner Bros. and will no longer be released, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Frustrated that every product he orders from the Acme Corporation backfires on him in his vendetta against the Road Runner, the movie was set to see Wile E. Coyote take Acme to court with a down-on-his-luck human attorney (Will Forte) taking on the case. When his lawyer discovers his intimidating former boss (Cena's character) is now Acme's CEO, he's even more determined to win the case. Described as part courtroom drama and part family comedy, the script (penned by Samy Burch, who worked on the story with Jeremy Slater and DC Studios CEO James Gunn) was based on the 1990 New Yorker humor article 'Coyote v. Acme' by Ian Frazier.

"For three years, I was lucky enough to make a movie about Wile E. Coyote, the most persistent, passionate, and resilient character of all time," Coyote vs. Acme director Dave Green wrote on Twitter.

"I was surrounded by a brilliant team, who poured their souls into this project for years. We were all determined to honor the legacies of these historic characters and actually get them right. Along the ride, we were embraced by test audiences who rewarded us with fantastic scores. I am beyond proud of the final product, and beyond devastated by WB's decision. But in the spirit of Wile E. Coyote, resilience and persistence win the day."

Last year, DC movie Batgirl and animated Scooby-Doo sequel Scoob! Holiday Haunt were also scrapped by Warner Bros. as tax write-offs despite being almost – or completely – finished. Other industry professionals who have already seen the movie have spoken out against Warner Bros.' decision, praising the Looney Tunes caper's animation and the leads' performances.

"Disappointed, and somewhat mystified by the Coyote Vs Acme news. [Dave Green] made (and completed) an excellent movie,  and a lot of people, not least the brilliant musicians and colleagues who worked with me on the score, poured their hearts into it…" tweeted movie composer Simon Price. "I’m sad that fans of these characters, new and old, won’t get to enjoy it in the months, and years ahead. It’s a really good film! Sadly, on this occasion, due to this decision, 'That’s (fuck) all folks!'"

"I have seen this movie and it is excellent," wrote No One Will Save You director Brian Duffield. "It also tested in the high 90s repeatedly. It also had interested buyers. The people working at Warner Bros are anti-art and I hope multiple anvils drop on their heads."

"COYOTE V ACME is a great movie. The best of its kind since ROGER RABBIT. It's commercial. It tested well. The leads are super likable. It's beautifully shot. The animation is great. The ending makes everyone fucking cry. I thought the goal of this business was to make hit movies?" tweeted Scott Pilgrim Takes Off showrunner BenDavid Grabinski.

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