Warning pension savers 'locked in' to 'unacceptable situation'

More than 800,000 eligible pensioners are thought to be missing out on Pensions Credit meaning some of the poorest people in the country could be getting more help
Switching is too much hassle for some people, the research found -Credit:Getty

New research from My Pension Expert has revealed Britons’ attitudes towards pension transfers. The at-retirement adviser commissioned an independent survey of 2,000 UK adults.

It said the research found that of those with a pension:

• Just 29% made a pension transfer in the past five years, with 33% saying they did so without first seeking independent financial advice.

• 58% would consider a pension transfer if the process was simpler.

• 43% value convenience over performance when it comes to their pensions.

Less than only three in ten (29%) had made a pension transfer in the past five years, twice the number of respondents (58%) would consider making one if the process was simpler. Meanwhile, 65% said they would consider making a transfer if it made the overall process of managing their retirement finances simpler – nearly half (43%) say they value convenience over performance when it comes to their pensions.

Further, 30% stated that their pension provider would impose exit charges if they tried to transfer their pension. The research comes as My Pension Expert’s annual Retirement Fairness Index found that in 2023, on average, consumers had to wait almost a month (29 days) for ceding companies to transfer their pension funds to a new provider.

Lily Megson, policy director at My Pension Expert, said: “The UK’s pension transfers system is warped. This research demonstrates that UK consumers are deterred from making pension transfers by the slow, complicated and opaque processes involved, as well as concerns about the fees that could be charged. The result is that millions of people are left with pensions pots that aren’t working hard enough for them, opting for the convenience of staying with their current provider rather than considering transferring to a more suitable option.

“This is an unacceptable situation for the industry, and action must be taken to rectify it. The only path to regaining customers’ trust is through greater transparency. It’s vital that it is easier and faster for people to transfer pensions between providers – for all the focus on the Mansion House reforms and wider tinkering with pension policy, we need the government to engage with this issue as a priority.”

The market research was carried out between January 26 and 31, 2024, among 2,000 UK adults via an online survey by independent market research agency Opinium.