Warrington schoolboy delivers speech to crowd of more than 60,000 people

Aneeshwar at the talk <i>(Image: Supplied)</i>
Aneeshwar at the talk (Image: Supplied)

A WARRINGTON schoolboy delivered a speech to a crowd of 60,000 people.

And even more impressively, Aneeshwar Kunchala had not even prepared for the public speaking.

It came following the Restore Nature Now walk which took part in London at the end of last month.

The walk consisted of people coming together to call on all politicians to get behind ‘big action for nature’.

Following the walk from Park Lane to Parliament Square, a number of big names, including Steven Backshall, took to the stage to talk of the importance of tackling the nature and climate crisis.

Meanwhile other celebrities at the march included Emma Thompson, Dr Amir Khan ad Chris Packham.

Aneeshwar, a St Philip Westbrook CE Primary School pupil known for being a conservationist, was also called to the stage at the event.

When asked why it is so important that everyone is stood there, Aneeshwar responded: “Well, I feel that it is important because of the numbers.

“I understand that one or two people might not be enough to make the biggest difference we can.

“But with an audience like all of you, we can all be sure to make the best difference we can.”

Although still young, Aneeshwar has already won multiple national and international awards for his work of raising awareness to protect the planet.

His work has also been recognised by Sir David Attenborough, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and the Natural History Museum.