Washington thug who demanded partner take lie detector test beat and strangled her in 90 minute ordeal

Melvyn Daniel, jailed for GBH and strangulation
Melvyn Daniel, jailed for GBH and strangulation -Credit:Northumbria Police

A violent thug who demanded his partner take lie detector tests subjected her to a "horrendous" attack lasting 90 minutes during which he strangled and beat her.

Melvyn Daniel and the woman had a relationship in 2021 which ended but then resumed again in 2022. During their "troubled" time together, he persistently accused her of cheating and would often insist she took a lie detector test to prove she was not being unfaithful.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that in July last year, the woman was asleep when Daniel, who had been drinking and taking cocaine, ordered her to leave. He again brought up the subject of a lie detector test then pushed her back on the bed and put his hands around her neck and choked her.

The 53-year-old, of Stridingedge, Blackfell, Washington, then punched her, cutting her above the eye and causing it to bleed profusely. He then grabbed her again and when she came around she was on the floor.

Nicoleta Alistari, prosecuting, said: "He was kneeling on her chest causing intense pain and she heard her ribs cracking and begged him to get off her because she couldn't breathe. He replied 'tough' or words to that effect.

"She was on her knees trying to stand up when he pushed her from behind and her head hit the wall, which caused a hole in the wall. She was dragged in a headlock through the landing.

"She tried to scream but he told her to shut up or he would snap her neck." He then put her in the bath and tried to clean blood off her arm, while saying "Why do you make me do these things".

Miss Alistari said: "He told her he loved her but hit her on the head repeatedly at the same time. She tried to scream and he yanked her hair back, pulling her hair hard."

Some of her hair was pulled out and she said she felt like she was watching what was happening and wondering if it was real.

She tried to calm him but he pushed her to the floor and squeezed her throat again, but with less force. He also went as if to bite her but she pulled away.

He then punched her hard in the stomach, winding her and leaving her struggling to breathe. She considered picking up a knife to stab him but feared he would take it off her and use it on her.

After an ordeal lasting 90 minutes, the woman managed to escape by pretending to go to the boiler ahead of having a bath and running off, feeling like she was "running for her life" before raising the alarm with a neighbour.

She was taken to hospital and found to have facial fractures, a laceration to her eyebrow and arm and pain and bruising to her chest. She also had hair pulled out and a chipped tooth.

The woman said she has been left with PTSD and flashbacks and added: "Mr home is my safe place and I don't feel safe at home anymore.

"My daughter often has nightmares about me and my injuries. As crazy as it sounds I feel like I'm a ghost.

"He didn't have any right to raise his hands to me, never mind subjecting me to the most horrendous hour and a half of my life.

"I have to live with this nightmare for the rest of my life. Mentally and emotionally, I died that day. You took my entire soul and my faith in mankind."

Daniel, who has 23 previous convictions, pleaded to GBH and intentional strangulation and was jailed for 40 months and given a restraining order.

Recorder Christopher Rose told him: "It must have been, for her, quite a horrific, traumatising and terrifying experience. Your actions on that day are going to significantly impact on her mental wellbeing as they significantly impacted on her physical health for a long time to come."

Jessica Slaughter, defending, said he has spend eight months remanded in custody and has health issues. She added that he has adult children and grandchildren.