WASPI women 'fed up' after £2,950 DWP compensation blow

WASPI women have issued a General Election rallying cry as the country heads to the polls. WASPI women campaigning for Department for Work and Pensions ( DWP ) compensation following the Ombusdman report earlier this year have spoken out.

More than 200 MP candidates have backed the WASPI cause. Angela Madden, chair of WASPI, said: "We are grateful to the many candidates in all parties who have responded positively, but a new Government needs to move from warm words to concrete actions.

"With one WASPI woman dying every 13 minutes, we will be using our votes to demand justice for all those who have been so badly let down." A recent Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman report called for payouts of between £1,000 and £2,950.

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WASPI said: "WASPI women are rightly fed-up with the delays and prevarication about compensation for DWP’s failures. It would be easy now to think “none of the politicians listen, so I’m not voting”. But the only winners then will be those who have ignored us.

"Politicians are NOT all the same. We have had clear manifesto commitments from Liberal Democrats, SNP and Plaid. The Green leadership supports us too. And scores of Labour and Conservative candidates have signed our pledge. You can see the broad spread of support we have achieved from both long-time supporters and new candidates on our website here.

"We urge you to go out and use your vote on Thursday, to make your voice heard. With a Labour government likely, they need to know that compensation for WASPI women is not an issue that’s going away. Before the general election, momentum was with us.

"The Parliamentary Ombudsman and the cross-party Work and Pensions Select Committee had vindicated our campaign. Dozens of MPs in all parties supported us in a parliamentary debate about the Ombudsman’s conclusions. After election day is over, we’ll be campaigning to put WASPI right back at the top of the “in-tray” of a new Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.

"And our voice will be much more powerful if it’s clear WASPI women have been out to vote in numbers."