Watch Adam Driver Try To Get Your Boyfriend Bowen Yang Pregnant On 'SNL', We're Cackling!

Bowen Yang, Adam Driver
Bowen Yang, Adam Driver

Saturday Night Live made good use of Adam Driver as its host this weekend, and oh so much of it felt targeted right at the gays.

The most blatantly queer sketch could have been ripped right out of the scrolling pages of fan fiction, as it featured Driver and Bowen Yang as a gay couple discussing amongst their friends how they’re trying to get pregnant.

“Are you going to adopt?” one well-meaning pals asks.

“Nope. We’re just gonna…try,” Yang’s character replies. Another then assumes they’re hiring a surrogate, but Driver shuts that down, too. That’s right, the two insist they are trying to get pregnant the natural way, despite making it pretty clear that both characters are cis men.

“To us, for now, what feels good, for now, is trying, for us,” Driver says, further explaining that the reason they began this journey is that, “I had a dream where my son came out of my ass.”

We're Trying - SNL

And just in case you’re wondering, no, this is not the only SNL skit from the weekend where they got Driver to talk about his ass.

There were other laughs to be had throughout the show, from his turn as a baby on a plane to the “Actor’s Journey” skit—and we definitely need a special shout-out to Julia Stiles showing up out of nowhere to revisit the plot of Save the Last Dance (even if Driver isn’t involved in that one)—but it was the “ShopTV Christmas” skit that had some viewers at home on the edge of their seats.

At the end of the show, the takeaway was clear!