Watch: Bear breaks into California home, raids fridge

Sept. 13 (UPI) -- A California woman arrived at her home early Wednesday to discover a bear had broken in and raided the refrigerator.

Chelsea Mapanda said she arrived home in the early hours and discovered the side door of her Sierra Madre house was open. She called 911 after looking through the window and seeing the fridge was open and food was scattered all over the floor.

"I automatically knew that a bear was in my house because we had been alerted that a bear was around," Mapanda told KTLA-TV.

She said the bear likely enjoyed feasting on the fresh honey and mangoes she had recently purchased.

The Sierra Madre Police Department said officers responded to the 911 call shortly before 2 a.m. and confirmed there was indeed a bear inside the house.

Police secured the area and waited outside the home with Mapanda while awaiting assistance from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

"It's a 'fun' home invasion and at least it's a story for my anniversary. It's exciting. I'm very chaotic so this situation fits me," Mapanda told KCAL-TV.

Police said the bear ended up leaving the house on its own before wildlife officers arrived. Residents were warned to avoid the area until authorities confirm the animal is no longer in the neighborhood.