WATCH HERE: Couple stumbles upon POISONOUS SNAKE whilst out for a picnic

WATCH HERE: Couple stumbles upon POISONOUS SNAKE whilst out for a picnic <i>(Image: Robert Burbery)</i>
WATCH HERE: Couple stumbles upon POISONOUS SNAKE whilst out for a picnic (Image: Robert Burbery)

A couple who were out with their small child for a picnic stumbled upon a poisonous snake whilst walking down a woodland path.

Resident of Thatcham Robert Burbery, 30, said that him and his wife were walking through Greenham Common when they both almost stepped on the snake.

"My wife jumped back and screamed," he said. "We heard it hissing at us then looked down and she just yelled "There's a snake!" It was quite frightening but also I found it exciting as I've never seen one in the wild before."



Mr Burbery said that the couple goes up regularly with their dogs to walk them on the common, but this time decided not to bring them.

He said that the adder had curled itself up into a defensive position and looked scared.

"It was rearing its head at us for a good minute or so," Mr Burbery said. "It was just staring at us waiting for us to move on. We just stood there watching it, and eventually it realised we weren't going to do anything and it just slithered away.

"That was the first time I've seen one. I've lived in areas all my life that have had adders but never saw one out in the wild. I was quite excited!"

If you or anyone you know has seen any adders out and about in Newbury or surrounding areas, please do not hesitate to contact me at