Watch This Darkly Funny Clip From 'Such Brave Girls' That Has Us Giggling (Exclusive)

Such Brave Girls
Such Brave Girls

If you’re a sucker for dry British humor, then Such Brave Girls is about to give you everything you need for a cozy, dark giggle.

The series was created by and stars out queer UK comic Kat Sadler and is directed by Simon Bird (The Inbetweeners, Friday Night Dinner). It follows an, ahem, very dysfunctional family, sisters Josie (Kat Sadler) and Billie (played by Kat’s real-life sister, Lizzie Davidson) and their single mother Deb (Louise Brealey). Together they are just trying to make it through life with nothing but their poor judgment. Are they great people? Nope. They're actually ‘vain, selfish, heavily in debt, pathologically desperate for affection and bursting with misplaced, terrifying love’. But, also... and very, very funny.

Like I said, a cozy dark giggle.

In a clip shared exclusively with PRIDE by Hulu, you can get a taste for the characters and the absurdist humor. As Deb explains to her daughters a little white lie — ok a pretty big lie — she has told about her husband and his possibly, maybe death — and how it was possibly maybe her least favorite daughter's fault. Also, it involves Save the Last Dance...

You know what, just watch the clip. It will all make sense, we promise.

'Such Brave Girls' premieres today on Hulu. Watch the exclusive clip below.

A Valuable Lesson | Such Brave Girls | Hulu

Deb (Louise Brealey) hatches a plan and teaches her daughters (Kat Sadler and Lizzie Davidson) a very valuable lesson.ABOUT SUCH BRAVE GIRLSA dysfunctional f...