Watch: Dog rescued from shipping container in Texas

Feb. 5 (UPI) -- A team of U.S. Coast Guard marine inspectors ended up coming to the rescue of a dog who was trapped inside a shipping container for at least a week.

Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston said Marine Science Technicians Bryan Wainscott, Lucas Loe, Ryan McMahon and Jose Reyes were in the process of randomly selecting shipping containers for inspection when they heard barking and scratching coming from a container in a tall stack.

"When they lowered the container and opened the door, a dog popped out," U.S. Coast Guard Heartland said in a Facebook post.

The dog is believed to have been trapped inside the container for at least a week. Officials said the container originated from the Houston-Galveston area and was filled with totaled cars destined to be shipped overseas.

The canine, now dubbed Connie the Container Dog, was taken to the Pasadena Animal Shelter, which later placed Connie with Forever Changed Animal Rescue.

The rescue said Connie is underweight and receiving treatment for heartworm. The dog will be available for adoption once she is back to full health.