Watch Kevin McCarthy Take Down His Own Party While Praising Democrats In New Viral Video

Kevin McCarthy speaking at Oxford University
Kevin McCarthy speaking at Oxford University

Hell has frozen over, and pigs are flying because Republican Kevin McCarthy is going viral for praising Democrats instead of the vitriolic hate he’s usually known for.

Not only does the video clip show the newly ousted Speak of the House paying the Democratic party compliments, but he also lampooned his own party for its lack of diversity.

The video, which already has 2.5 million views on X (formerly Twitter), comes from a debate McCarthy took part in at Oxford University on October 28. McCarthy represented the opposing argument in a debate titled “This House Believes US Interventionism Has Done More Harm Than Good.”

McCarthy first made the ridiculous point that America's interventionist mindset must be successful because most of the audience speaks English as their first language. But it’s a moment later on in his speech that is currently going viral.

“When you look at the Democrats, they actually look like America,” he said. “When I look at my party, we look like the most restrictive country club in America.”

Did we just hear the former Republican Speaker of the House call out his party for being too white? We’re so shocked we may need to go lie down.

He is right, though. You only have to take a look around the halls of Congress to see that conservatives have a diversity problem—even their sole LGBTQ+ representative, George Santos, just got canned, reports Queerty.

Don’t get too excited, though. McCarthy participated in the debate three weeks after his fellow Republicans had ousted him. He wasn't bravely speaking truth to power; he just made a slight dig when he no longer had anything to lose.

Earlier this week, McCarthy announced he is resigning from Congress at the end of the month. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that he grows a backbone and burns his party to the ground on his way out the door!

We’re not the only ones who cackled when we heard the video clip; people ran to the comment section on X to dunk on McCarthy and the Republican party. See our favorite responses below.