Watch LIVE as Manchester falls silent at Glade of Light to remember victims of arena attack

The Glade of Light memorial
The Glade of Light memorial -Credit:Getty Images

Manchester city centre is to fall silent this evening to remember the victims of the arena attack.

Marking seven years since the atrocity, the Glade of Light memorial and Manchester Victoria station will observe a minute's silence to pay tribute to the 22 victims killed on May 22 2017.

At 10.31pm, crowds at the station and at the memorial, opened to honour the 22 innocent people whose lives were taken, as well as those left injured or affected, will hold a minute's silence.

A poignant drone display was originally planned over the Glade of Light, organised by Andrew Roussos, the father of eight-year-old Saffie-Rose Roussos, the youngest victim of the attack. This was later cancelled due to weather concerns.


There was another minute’s silence earlier today held during a special memorial service at 12pm, led by the railway chaplain Mike Roberts.

Watch our live below from the Glade of Light memorial this evening as crowds fall silent to mark seven years since the terror attack in our city.