Watch: Planes land at Heathrow airport as Storm Isha brings 80mph winds to UK

Watch a view of Heathrow airport on Sunday 21 January as Storm Isha hits London.

Winds of up to 80mph will swoop in later this weekend, potentially causing power cuts and loss of mobile phone signal, while roads and bridges are likely to be shut and transport services could face delays and cancellations in some areas.

Isha is set to batter “everybody” in the UK with wind and rain during a “rare” weather cycle, forecasters say.

Nearly four inches of rain could fall over a few hours in some regions and cause localised flooding, with eight flood warnings already in place across England.

“The main thing about this storm is it is very widespread across the whole of the UK,” Met Office forecaster Ellie Glaisyer said.

“Quite often we see storms affecting the north west or the southern half of the UK, whereas this one, later on Sunday and into Monday, the whole of the UK is covered by a warning, which is relatively rare.”