Watch Redcar and Cleveland voters chat General Election issues - from cost of living to trusting politicians

Voters in Redcar and Eston had their say
-Credit: (Image: Teesside Live)

Several people deemed that the weather was good enough for a frozen treat on Redcar Esplanade in the afternoon as the sun shone over the town.

Yet, when taking the political temperature of the people here, it was somewhat stormy. Teesside Live ventured to Redcar and Eston to chat to potential voters on the issues that most impact, or bother, them, in the run up to the July 4 General Election.

One pensioner who stopped to discuss the big issues on Redcar High Street raised the topic of law and order: “I think there is a lot of bad behaviour going on… I just find there’s lots of litter about. No police about, never see any – used to see them years ago walking around.

“My main issue is cost of living, like everybody. Everything going up: gas, electricity… Which party would do better, I have no idea.” Like other people in this constituency, she took issue with her pension, specifically “having to pay tax” on it.

On the other side of the constituency, Eston Square appeared to be in a bit of a sorry state. This was reflected on by the people who stopped to share their views throughout the morning but was even more powerfully demonstrated by how deserted the precinct was. Shop after shop had the shutters down, either not opening till much later in the day, or not opening at all.

Younger people, either with friends or with their own young families were not keen to stop and discuss the big issues. Many passing quips from the public made it clear that there was a large amount of apathy.

When talking about politicians, “they’re all just the same” is a line that rings out across the country and this constituency was no exception. A few expletives often featured from local people as part of this sentiment.

However, this apathy was by no means universal. A pair of people walking down Eston High Street mentioned that they were off to that evening’s hustings at the church nearby. In addition, multiple people did discuss the merits of incumbent Jacob Young and his work over the past four and a half years.

Pamela Holt, part of a walking group meeting in Eston Square wanted to see improvements to the local area, referring specifically to the buildings that surrounded her whilst heading out of the Square. She spoke of the “wonderful” work that had already been done in Redcar town and the necessity of the new road that was being put in place where she lived, in Normanby.

Watch the full video, and reactions from Teessiders, below:

Voters across the area will go to the polls on July 4, following Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's shock announcement last month. These elections use the first-past-the-post voting system, meaning everyone votes for one candidate and the candidate with the most votes wins the election. Elected MPs will go on to represent local residents at Westminster.

In Redcar, which has been held by Conservative Jacob Young since 2019 with a 3,527 majority, six candidates are standing. Mr Young is joined by his predecessor in the race for the seat, Anna Turley.

  • Gary Conlin - Social Democratic Party

  • John Davies - Reform UK

  • Ruth Hatton - Green Party

  • Chris Jones - Liberal Democrats

  • Anna Turley - Labour and Co-operative Party

  • Jacob Young - Conservative Party

The leader of the party that wins the most seats at the General Election will become Prime Minister.

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