Watch: Singapore's dazzling i Light festival returns
Dubbed by the organisers as 'Asia’s leading sustainable light art festival,' Singapore's 'i Light' aims to bring attention to the link between art and sustainability.
First held in 2010, this light festival showcases light art installations created by both local and international artists.
The artworks are designed with energy-saving lighting and/or environmentally-friendly materials to encourage festival goers and the general public to adopt sustainable habits in their everyday lives.
As the second year of i Light Singapore’s 'Visible Light' narrative, the 2023 edition will explore the colour blue of the light spectrum. Blue wavelengths are ever-present in nature, from high up in the heavens to deep within the oceans. Visually, the cool tones of blue can symbolise and induce varying states of emotion – often associated with calmness and serenity.
The artwork transforms visual data on the world's glaciers into AI-based narratives to raise awareness of rising sea levels and climate change.
This year's edition is set to run from 1 - 25 June.