Watch: Tourists in Venice capsize gondola after trying to take selfies

Tourists cling to a gondola after they overturned in a canal in Venice when they were taking photos
Tourists cling to a gondola after they overturned in a canal in Venice when they were taking photos - CEN

A group of hapless tourists in Venice ended up falling into a canal after ignoring a gondolier’s instructions not to move around in their quest for taking selfies.

The gondolier had told them not to stand up or move about as he poled the boat beneath a low bridge along the Rio de la Verona canal.

But the six Asian tourists ignored his warnings, with several of them shifting to one side of the boat, causing it to capsize. They all tumbled into the water.

Video footage shows the shocked tourists clinging to the upturned hull of the gondola, flailing around in the freezing cold, murky water and trying to save their mobile phones.

The gondolier was also tipped into the water and did his best to haul the tourists to safety. No one was injured in the incident.

The tourists were given help and a warm place to recover at the nearby La Fenice opera house.

The footage was posted by a social media account called Venezia non è Disneyland or Venice is not Disneyland, which documents the inconsiderate behaviour of tourists, Venice’s inexorable population decline and the looming risk of it turning into a sort of soulless architectural and cultural theme park.

Tourists have been caught swimming in canals in their underwear, wakeboarding and performing dives off the tops of historic buildings.