Waterloo Road star Kym Marsh teases romance for Nicky in new series

kym marsh as nicky walters in waterloo road
Waterloo Road star teases romance for NickyWall To Wall/Rope Ladder Fiction/Helen Williams - BBC

Waterloo Road is coming back for a batch of new episodes next week, and Kym Marsh has teased that her character Nicky Walters might have romance in store.

Viewers will know from the latest episodes that Nicky and Donte Charles are both attracted to each other, although it’s not been very successful so far due to him being a recent widow, as well as the fact that she got him involved in her plan to steal the school's computers to pay off a loan shark.

Speaking to Digital Spy and other outlets, Marsh was vague about whether they will get together, but can't deny that there's something between them...

nicky, donte, waterloo road, season 12

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"There is chemistry between Nicky and Donte," she said.

"Whether the living situation now brings them together or not, who knows. But I like Nicky and Donte and I like that friendship. He is the one person that she really feels like she can rely on – he's given her a home and a roof over her head. He is taking care of not only her but her children as well – that is someone who really cares.

"Considering what happened and where she left it, he could have gotten into masses of trouble with what she did in the last series – turning off all the alarms and stealing his keys. He was massively implicated and it could have caused a lot of trouble for him."

Marsh continued: "But he wants to help her through it. I think she looks at him and thinks that he's just someone she can rely on finally in her life.

"There is chemistry there. They obviously do like each other, but whether or not that would ruin their friendship remains to be seen... It's never going to be plain-sailing though in that scenario though because they're essentially moving in with a whole other family.

"We're going to investigate that and find out what happens to relationships when you are thrust together."

preston walters in waterloo road

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That's not the only thing that happened in the second revival series that Nicky will have to deal with in the upcoming episodes, as her son Preston nearly died due to an eating disorder that he was hiding.

"Obviously what happened with Preston is devastating for Nicky as she always felt that they were very close and she was unaware of all the things that had been going on," Marsh explained.

"She very much blames herself for that I think because just thinks that she wasn't focusing enough on what was going on at home. She will be trying to manage his bulimia and keeping an eye on that situation, so it's definitely not going to be easy, but then it never is for Nicky."

Waterloo Road returns on January 2 on BBC One and iPlayer. All episodes will be available to stream from that date, or you can watch them air every Thursday.

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