Webb's fine form continues for Bournemouth

Luke Webb hit a century for Bournemouth <i>(Image: James Robinson)</i>
Luke Webb hit a century for Bournemouth (Image: James Robinson)

DORSET skipper Luke Webb hit a century in Bournemouth's drawn ECB Southern Premier Division match against St Cross Symondians, to lift his run tally to 394 in his last six innings.

He made 103, over half of Bournemouth's 194 all out, to secure a 'winning draw', the Lions being frustrated in their victory quest as the Winchester side played out time at 133-8.

After a barren batting run in late May and early June, Webb has hit some of the best batting form of his still relatively short career, with four recent fifties split evenly between Dorset and Bournemouth.

He hit 89 in the early June high scoring loss at Bashley (Rydal) but the Chapel Gate surface was not so batsman friendly as the BCG and Webb had to work hard for his spoils, as did everyone else.

Nonetheless, he struck two sixes and 11 fours in his 149-ball innings, enjoying a 76-run stand with South African Aidan Meyer (46) who, with some long awaited sun on his back, is beginning to produce good form.

Webb was eventually last man out having seen Bournemouth tumble from 164-3 and then even more dramatically from 187-5 (Kyle Pluke 4-38), the last five wickets falling for seven runs, principally to the left-arm spin of Chakie Gwynn (3-41).

Cole Rushworth (3-29) and skipper Simon Woodruff (3-32) produced decent red ball spells to negate positive St Cross progress. Wilf La Fontaine Jackson (28) batted steadily.

St Cross slipped from 94-3 to 111-7 (Gwynn 33) but, with leg spinner Meyer (2-31) lacking his teen left-arm spin partner Connor Smith absent in Paris, Bournemouth found themselves over-reliant on seam and were forced to settle for a 14-point draw which keeps them in fourth place ahead of Saturday's visit to Alton.