We'd love to know whether you think working parents should get help towards the cost of school uniform

The start of a new school term can be a stressful one for many families.

There's often anxiety for children who are going into a new year or starting at a whole new school altogether.

But another stress that affects many parents of school-age children is the cost of all the mandatory school uniform.

READ MORE: Parents can get £150 for each school-age child with 48 hours to apply

From the costly blazers, to decent shoes, all the PE kit and a new school bag - it all adds up.

And reports suggest that parents in the UK will fork out an average of £287 on primary school uniforms per year and up to £422 a year on secondary school uniforms.

This week, we reported how the Schools Essentials Grant was offering some parents £150 per school-age child to helps towards the cost of school uniforms.

This grant, provided by the charity GroceryAid, is specifically for parents who work in the grocery industry including supermarket workers, wholesalers, manufacturers, suppliers, and convenience store workers.

But to be eligible the parents must also receive Universal Credit or Child Tax Credit for children. They also cannot have more than £4,000 in savings.

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When we shared the story on the Yorkshire Live Facebook page, many took to the comments to complain that all working parents should be eligible for help towards the cost of school uniform.

Cara Bannister wrote: "Everyone should be given help, not (people) in certain jobs or on certain benefits."

And Leighann Clapton agreed, commenting: 'What about families with both parents that work but still struggle and don’t receive benefits. Where’s the help for us?'

We'd love to know what you think on this matter. Should working parents get help towards the cost of school uniform? Or is it only right that families eligible for benefits also have help towards the cost?

Let us know in the comments section below or have your say in our poll. If you cannot see the poll, click the link here to take part.