Your Weekly Horoscopes: October 30 to November 5, 2022

Are you feeling it? We’re now in the peak of 2022’s cosmic chaos. Just as we start to catch our breath from whatever revelations bubbled to the surface during last week’s eclipse, Mars—planet of action, energy and aggression—stations retrograde on the 30th. When Mars stations retrograde, which happens only once every two years or so, we have the opportunity to pause and re-strategize.

Mars will be retrograde until January 12, 2023 and will remain in Gemini until March 25, 2023. The pen is mightier than the sword under this influence, so choose your Twitter battles and group chat hot takes carefully. (We hope Jason Sudeikis —who was born with Mars in Gemini—is listening to this advice!) With more eclipses to come next week, things might feel now or never, do or die, but only act if and when you’re prepared for the consequences that follow.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign too will provide further insight.)

Your Monthly Horoscopes: October 2022

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Mars stations retrograde in your communication sector on the 30th forcing you to slow down and pause the conversation. For months now, you’ve been tied to a chaotic schedule that’s leading you toward total burnout and dissatisfaction. The next few months (through January 12) while Mars is retrograde offer an opportunity to figure out what’s actually worth your time. What sparks your creativity? How do you want to fill your days?

This week’s mantra: “Prune.”

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Mars stations retrograde in your money sector on the 30th bringing financial stress (especially with your spouse or business partner) that has been building since the summer to a head. While Mars moves backwards in the sky for the next few months (through January 12), you have a rare opportunity to pause and evaluate your resources. Maybe you’ve been trying to downsize when what you really need to do is upgrade.

This week’s mantra: “Value.”

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Action planet Mars stations retrograde in your sign on the 30th bringing the heat that you’ve been feeling (literally or figuratively) since late August to a peak. Whether you’re dealing with health issues, interpersonal conflicts or pressure to perform at work, frustrations build this week as you realize that your usual coping mechanisms aren’t working. It’s time to face the issue head on, once and for all. For the next few months, more time must be dedicated to getting this inflammation under control.

This week’s mantra: “Cool down.”

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Mars stations retrograde in your unconscious sector on the 30th forcing you to pause and address your mental health. The stress and anxiety that has been building since late August is no longer sustainable, and now’s the time to seek help and get it under control. Whether that’s getting back into simple, positive habits (like daily walks, plenty of water or sip and stares) or going back to therapy, through early next year, your focus should be finding calm.

This week’s mantra: “Peace.”

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

Mars stations retrograde in your friendship sector on the 30th encouraging you to take a much needed hiatus from certain parts of your social life. You’ve been constantly on the go since late August, attending endless birthday parties, weddings and networking events. Let’s be real, most of it has left you more burnt out than fulfilled. Through early next year, you’re meant to take a step back and consider who actually supports your dreams.

This week’s mantra: “Chill.”

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

Aggression planet Mars stations retrograde in your career sector on the 30th bringing the tensions that have been building in your professional life since August to a head. Though you’re in a place where rage-quitting your job sounds awfully tempting, consider scheduling some time off and taking a pause instead. For the next few months (through January 12 while Mars stays retrograde), you need to put energy into restructuring your goals so you no longer feel sucked dry by other people’s needs.

This week’s mantra: “Wait.”

Libra (September 23 - October 21)

Mars stations retrograde on the 30th, bringing the pressure and confusion that’s been building since August re: your travel, education or spiritual goals to a head. Whether you’re going back to school, expanding your business or planning an overseas move, through January 2023, most of your energy is going into expanding your vision. How much money will it really take to turn your dreams into a reality? And most importantly, who is going to support you on this journey?

This week’s mantra: “Dream.”

Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

Your ruling planet Mars stations retrograde on the 30th in your shared resources sector bringing both emotional and financial deficits that have been building since August to a head. Through January 2023, your energy should be focused on sending invoices, closing out debts and confronting the fears that are holding you back from living your best life. There’s never been a better time to pull those skeletons out of the closet and teach them how to dance.

This week’s mantra: “Confront.”

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

As Mars stations retrograde in your relationship sector on the 30th, you’re forced to re-evaluate a commitment that you rushed into back in late August. Sure things have been great in the honeymoon phase, but are you sure this romance can endure actual conflict? If there’s a conversation you’ve been avoiding, difficult emotions flood to the surface as the week goes on. This isn’t a momentary blip though, Mars remains retrograde through January 12, giving you time and space to consider how you can improve communication with your partner.

This week’s mantra: “Passion.”

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Since late August, you’ve been trying to do it all at once. You’re not just starting a new job, you’re also training for a half marathon, running around to appointments to solve a health issue and finally learning how to drive. Mars stations retrograde in your daily grind sector on the 30th forcing you to take a pause before you reach total burnout. Until January 2023, you’re going to be re-strategizing your workflow and obligations. Time to take a few things off your plate.

This week’s mantra: “No” (is a complete sentence).

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Mars stations retrograde in your pleasure sector on the 30th bringing tensions that have been building in your romantic or creative life to a head. If you’ve been frustrated with the dating landscape or facing total writer’s block on a deadline, it’s time to try a different strategy. What comes up this week isn’t a quick fix as Mars will be retrograde through January 2023. For the next few months, your energy should be put toward experimentation and going after the things you really want, no matter what anyone else thinks.

This week’s mantra: “Risk.”

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Mars stations retrograde in your home and family sector on the 30th bringing tensions that have been building in your private life since late August to their peak. Whether you’re dealing with an unresponsive landlord, rowdy neighbors or frustrated siblings, there’s a conversation that can no longer be avoided. Through January 2023, you’re meant to focus your energy on feeling more grounded and secure. What people and places make you feel safe?

This week’s mantra: “Comfort.”

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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