Welcome to Porridge - twinned with honey: Dorridge sign bares brunt of prank

Pranksters have renamed the village of Dorridge as 'Porridge' and even added a new twin town -Honey.

Changes were made to the Welcome to Dorridge sign shortly after Christmas when the capital letter was extended and a makeshift sign attached underneath.

The 'Twined with Honey' sign has since disappeared yet the sign still shows the Solihull suburb to share a name with the oat based breakfast.

On December 27 Jasper ‏pedestrianB93 posted a picture of the signs on Twitter, adding: "Well that must have taken more effort than the joke was probably worth."

The following day an Instagrammer posted another picture of the signs with the caption: "Well someone has a cracking sense of humour."

The playful prank comes in contrast to an attack at the village's railway station in April last year.

A newly refurbished waiting room was closed after vandals scratched ‘Dave’ into a fireplace and mirror, causing damage running to hundreds of pounds.

No towns are known to go by the name Porridge or Honey. In the US The Sweetest Town in Texas' is so called because of its name: Honey Grove.