Wellington village being used as a 'rat run' makes plea to drivers

Villagers joined the "20 is plenty" campaign after a number of accidents. <i>(Image: Hollywell Lake Villager)</i>
Villagers joined the "20 is plenty" campaign after a number of accidents. (Image: Hollywell Lake Villager)

A VILLAGE near Wellington that is being used as a "rat run" by speeding drivers has erected signs reading "20 is plenty" in an effort to slow traffic.

Residents of the tiny village of Holywell Lake, just west of Wellington, are pleading for drivers to slow down when driving through their hamlet — drivers were recorded doing 60mph in the 30mph zone.

Several "20 is plenty" signs have been put along the roads, sponsored by a local estate agent, following "multiple recent accidents".

Anonymous residents pleaded: "Please respect our attempts to slow the traffic down, particularly after multiple accidents recently, and ask yourself how fast you would drive if your family lived here."

One villager said: "The main road through Holywell Lake is predominantly a single-track road with very few passing places, that is used as a 'rat run'.

"The current speed limit is 30mph, which we have been campaigning to reduce to 20mph for some time, due to the number of accidents and near misses, which of course is a compromise to everyone's safety.

"The excessive speeds of some vehicles travelling through the hamlet has been acknowledged by both the Police and Highways and proven by a 'black box' supplied by the authorities, to capture the data of 1000 vehicles in just eight days, some of which were travelling at speeds in excess of 60 mph.

"This is of huge concern to not only the residents but also walkers, cyclists, and horse riders that visit."

The villager also added that they've seen an "increase in HGV and agricultural vehicles trying to navigate the small lanes", which is of "even greater concern".

One "accident hotspot" is The Holloway, where villagers claim "drivers compete to see how quickly they can pass from one end to the other, avoiding the need to pull in or give way.

"All accidents have occurred on this stretch, plus the junctions at each end of it."

Residents even report being regularly "sworn at by impatient drivers" while walking on the stretch of road outside their homes.

The villager added: "Unfortunately, due to lack of funding, the Highways department are not able to instigate an enforceable 20mph speed limit. That's why we've joined the '20 is plenty' campaign.

"It is only a matter of time before someone receives life-changing injuries or a fatality."

The residents said: "We would like to pass on our sincere thanks to our sponsors Seddons Estate Agents for their fantastic support in our campaign and for the '20 is plenty signs' that we have had delivered to us recently."