Wells Foodbank volunteers thank Fosso Lounge for their support

Wells Foodbank volunteers thank Fosso Lounge for their support <i>(Image: Philip Welch)</i>
Wells Foodbank volunteers thank Fosso Lounge for their support (Image: Philip Welch)

Quiz fans have helped to raise almost £2,000 for the Wells Foodbank.

The Fosso Lounge in High Street runs quizzes on the first Thursday of every month and half the £2 entry fee goes to the foodbank.

Dominique Van Der Veen, the restaurant’s community champion and assistant manager said: “We decided to work with the foodbank as it’s a community-based charity which directly and selflessly helps so many families.”

Other initiatives at Fosso Lounge which have fundraised for the charity include mini bar games from which all the money goes to the foodbank, and a King’s Birthday Tea Party on June 12 where 60 percent of the £10 tickets have gone to the foodbank.

Fosso also hosted a small business market day on June 11 to promote small businesses in Wells who paid a £10 fee per stall, all of which went to the charity.

She continued: “Working in the food industry, you see so many people who pop in to have meals with their friends and families."

"So, it’s hard to think about those who can’t afford to even do that at home, let alone go out for a meal."

“The volunteers at the foodbank are incredible. They are so committed and caring.”