Welsh Government consultation on unhealthy food promotions

Eluned Morgan has launched the consultation <i>(Image: Welsh Government)</i>
Eluned Morgan has launched the consultation (Image: Welsh Government)

The Welsh Government has launched a consultation relating to food promotions in Wales.

The announcement was made by the cabinet secretary for health and social care, Eluned Morgan MS, outlining the government's plans to create legislation aimed at restricting the promotion of food high in fat, sugar, and salt within the country.

The consultation forms the initial phase of a broader action plan to improve the overall health of the food environment in Wales.

According to Ms Morgan, current evidence suggests that food products with poor nutritional value are disproportionately promoted more than healthier alternatives.

As a result, consumer behaviour is inclined towards these unhealthy options.

Ms Morgan stated she is committed to helping the public make healthier choices whilst grocery shopping or dining out, and to encouraging the food industry to produce and market healthier food and drink options.

The draft regulations propose restrictions on the location and price promotions of unhealthy products, alongside restrictions on free refills of sugar-laden drinks.

To ensure straightforward enforcement, the strategy aligns with equivalent legislation in England.

The Scottish Government is also planning to introduce similar measures, highlighting a united approach across the UK.

It is anticipated that the regulations will be presented to the Senedd by the end of 2024, and if approved, will come into force in 2025.

A 12-month transition period will be in place for affected businesses and enforcers to adjust.

The cabinet secretary emphasised that these changes represent a significant move towards a healthier food environment in Wales, promoting a balanced food offer for communities.

The government has also voiced its commitment to working with stakeholders and aims to provide clear and comprehensive guidance to the food industry upon instating the regulations, if successful.

This move comes after a consultation by the Welsh Government in 2022, which examined a proposal to restrict the sale of energy drinks to those under 16.

Seizing this opportunity, the cabinet secretary intends to gather additional evidence on the consumption of energy drinks by children, and understand its wider impacts on society.

Additional measures for a healthier food environment, including strategies to support the wider industry in producing and promoting affordable healthy food options, will be announced in the near future.

This consultation is part of that ongoing commitment and can be found on the Welsh Government website.