Welsh Language Music Day: Language commissioner vows to 'do everything' to reach a million Welsh speakers

The commissioner for the Welsh language has vowed to "do everything in [her] power" to reach a million Welsh speakers by 2050.

In an interview with Sky News, Efa Gruffudd Jones said that increasing people's daily use of Welsh is also a key aim of hers.

The Welsh government has set a target of achieving a million Welsh speakers by 2050, but recent census figures showed a fall in those who speak the language.

The Welsh Language Commissioner is responsible for promoting and protecting the rights of Welsh speakers.

"The aim of having a million Welsh speakers is a fantastic and something that I will do everything in my powers to help us to achieve," said the commissioner.

"There are a variety of targets within the strategy in Wales for increasing the numbers of people speaking Welsh. But there's also an important target about increasing people's daily use of Welsh."

Ms Gruffudd Jones took on the role of commissioner in January after the death of her predecessor Aled Roberts last year.

'Results are complex'

Results from the 2021 census released in December showed that 23,700 fewer people in Wales spoke Welsh than 10 years previously.

On 21 March 2021, 538,300 people usually living in Wales could speak Welsh - which is around 17.8% of its population.

But according to the commissioner for the language, there were nevertheless some reassuring signs.

"The census results are complex and there's a wealth of information there for us and one of the interesting things is that there's been an increase in the number of young Welsh adults being able to speak Welsh," Ms Gruffudd Jones said.

Friday is Dydd Miwsig Cymru (Welsh Language Music Day), an annual event which aims to platform artists who perform in the language.

Gigs and events are taking place in schools and communities across Wales to showcase Welsh-medium songs from a variety of genres.

"A day such as today is a great day for those in particular perhaps to enjoy living through the medium of Welsh and to enjoy Welsh music. So I see this day as being very important in terms of us being able to celebrate being Welsh," the commissioner added.

'Experience the joy'

As part of Dydd Miwsig Cymru, the Welsh Government has announced £100,000 for grassroots Welsh-medium music.

The Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles, said: "Cymraeg belongs to us all; everyone across Wales should have the chance to use it and also experience the joy of Welsh language music."

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Efa Gruffudd Jones hopes that Dydd Miwsig Cymru will play a part in increasing the number of Welsh speakers.

"The more people that can enjoy speaking Welsh, then hopefully the more people that will pass on the Welsh language to their children that will send children to Welsh medium schools," added the commissioner.

"So step by step I'm confident that we will be able to increase the numbers of those speaking Welsh and also, very importantly, to increase the numbers of those who enjoy speaking Welsh every day in Wales."